Tricks to lose weight that cost nothing

Tricks to lose weight that cost nothing

They weigh on the scales (in negative) but not on the wallet .

These are some tricks to lose weight that have proved to be very effective in losing weight, but they do not concern the choice of specific foods, nor the purchase of particular products, nor physical activity.
Are you curious? Let’s see them together.


  1. Arrange the food differently in the fridge. 
    Putting low-energy-density foods (i.e. low-calorie foods such as vegetables, fruits, skimmed dairy products) as well as in the pantry (low-calorie snacks) in the foreground in the fridge makes you lose weight because it allows us to automatically consume less calorie and nutrient-free food, such as so-called junk food.
    This is because always seeing healthier options that are easier to reach affects our food choice. A woman said she lost about 13 kilos in this way (and with point two). 
  2. Prepare some meals first, keeping them ready in the refrigerator.
    Ok, this means maybe spending an afternoon cooking and packing products to put in the fridge or freezer.
    But if we cook like this we will have less chance of eating things cooked at the last minute, often more caloric because with larger portions and poorly dosed ingredients, or assembled in a disordered way.
    Better to dedicate a day to creating healthy meals, and even better if we cook pasta and rice dishes to freeze and defrost while we are at work.
    Reduced glycemic index, greater digestibility for chilled and reheated pasta, rice or cereals. We then save the time spent over the course of the days.
  3. Use smaller plates.
    If you use smaller plates, you are automatically less hungry. If you use large plates, you tend to eat more. This simple optical illusion greatly affects our sense of satiety.
  4. Begin the (carbohydrate) meal with a plate of salad.
    Before eating pasta or rice, make sure you start your meal with a green salad. It increases the sense of satiety and makes us arrive at the first dish with less hunger. It also affects the glycemic load of the meal.
  5. Learn the rules of the healthy dish.
    If you don’t know how to balance your meals, let’s use the visual image of the healthy plate. Half a plate must be of vegetables, a quarter of complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, rice or potatoes (cooked), a quarter of protein foods (cooked).
    This way we ensure that we eat more vegetables and have a more filling meal thanks to the protein intake.
  6. Chew more slowly.
    This trick is incredibly effective, it makes us satiated earlier, reduces intestinal swelling, helps digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Some have lost weight just by doing this: counting thirty seconds for each bite.

For further information:
Scientifically proven tricks for weight loss. 
17 tricks to lose weight without diet or sport. 

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