I like to eat, how can I lose weight?

I like to eat, how can I lose weight?

I like to eat, how can I lose weight? One of the questions they ask me most frequently, perhaps because many think that those who are on a diet or those who manage to eat healthy, do not really like food and therefore manage to contain themselves. 
Nothing could be more wrong: first of all we need to think that we are educated to healthy food, and if the body is in balance, the preference for healthier foods is greater, while there is a lower tendency to strongly desire industrial or nutrient-poor foods.

Those who follow a balanced and complete diet will hardly want to gorge themselves on biscuits in front of the TV. He will eat one, for a whim. But when you follow a healthy and nutritious diet, the snack shelf in the supermarket is not very appealing.
The problem of those who say “I like to eat” is only one: that they love to eat what they want!
What if there was a remedy for all this? What if you could eat one thing every day that you enjoy but lose weight?
Let’s find out together the Carbs Addict’s Diet , a regimen designed for those who love to eat carbohydrates but also want to lose weight, created in the nineties by Heller doctors.

What it is: it is a very simple diet to follow, which offers three main meals. 
Two meals of your choice are protein and low-calorie, while in the third meal you can eat whatever you want within one hour , as long as it is nutritionally healthy (for example a plate of pasta with legumes and vegetables or pasta with vegetables and cheese, or a pizza small margherita or a soup followed by a dessert that we like, preferably homemade or for breakfast a homemade dessert).
Protein meals are called “Complimentary Meals”, while the free meal is called Reward Meal. We decide when to make the meals granted and the free one.For example, the free meal can be for breakfast and the meals allowed for lunch and dinner, or the free meal can be for lunch, and so on.
The meals allowed must follow these rules: 
– a protein dish: from 85 to 115 grams of meat or fish or poultry or 2 eggs (3-4 times a week) or 50-60 grams of aged cheese or a low carb protein shake. For vegans: tempeh, tofu and seitan must follow the weight of meat and fish.
– two portions of vegetables to taste or a portion of salad and one portion of cooked vegetables in free quantity. Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and at most a teaspoon of oil are allowed, as spices and herbs.Vegetables can be leafy (beets, salads, spinach) or broccoli or vegetables such as courgettes, aubergines, peppers. No to carrots, potatoes and beets.
The prize meal must follow these rules:
– if it is for lunch or dinner, it must be preceded by a small portion of salad. For breakfast, give sour fruit and sugar-free lemon tea.
– must be balanced, that is, contain a third of protein, a third of carbohydrates and a third of fat. For example: a plate of French fries alone is not balanced. A plate with a third of fried potatoes, a hamburger without bread and some vegetables (preceded by the salad) is balanced. If we want a dessert, for example an ice cream, we have to combine a protein food and a vegetable one, while that dessert will be our share of carbohydrates.
– you can drink a glass of wine or a small beer (if it is for lunch or dinner)
– it must be consumed within an hour (that is, it must not last more than an hour)
– the quantity is at your discretion but you must not in any case eat until you burst.
There are no snacks,but those who want can make snacks based on cucumbers, raw fennel, raw celery , and sugar-free herbal teas are allowed.
This regime is perfect for those who often eat out, for those who want to indulge themselves and especially for people who like to eat and do not want to deprive themselves of certain foods.


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