Training at home to lose weight: plan + diet

Training at home to lose weight: plan + diet

How to train at home to lose weight?

Here is a training plan that we can carry out at home but also in any other place, including in the garden, on the beach or outdoors. It takes 10 to 15 minutes if we add a few minutes of stretching at the end, it allows you to tone and train the whole body, and can be done from Monday to Saturday.

The advantage of this method of training at home is that it is a program composed for circuits, designed to maximize metabolic expenditure and therefore help us burn more calories.

Combined with easy weight loss plans that I will show you at the end of the article, this workout will make you lose cm and kilos, and from 4 to 6 kg per month.
Click on the links for exercise to see the execution.
Warning: this workout is for people in good health and considered suitable for physical activity.


Circuit to be repeated twice. Between one circuit and another, rest for a minute and a half.
30 secondsleft side
plank 30 seconds right side plank
30 seconds normal plank
10 lunges per leg
10 burpees

Circuit to be repeated twice. Between one circuit and another, rest for a minute and a half.
10 push-ups from the floor
30 ups 10 burpees 30 seconds of plank 10 reverse lunges per leg

Circuit to be repeated twice. Between one circuit and another, rest for a minute and a half.
10 side lunges per leg
60 seconds of moving plank
30 sit-ups
10 push-ups from the floor
30 seconds of cycling exercise

Circuit to be repeated three times. Between one circuit and another, rest for a minute and a half.
8 push-ups from the ground
30 seconds of bike exercise
8 burpees
30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of plank

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