Training at home: the total body plan

Training at home: the total body plan


A total body plan to do 2 to 3 times a week with just a mat (or a soft home carpet) and a chair? This workout is perfect for anyone who wants to train at home, and is highly effective. It increases metabolism by pushing the body to burn many calories both during and hours after training thanks to the epoc effect, a particular thermogenesis whereby the body increases its metabolism in response to these exercises.
The key is to do each set at high speed, with ten to twenty seconds of rest between each exercise, for a total of up to 30 minutes of workouts. Don’t worry if you can’t do it all the first few times:

it is normal, even if this program is ideal for those who are not totally untrained but have already tried some programs.
After 2-3 weeks, double the sets! 

Training at home: the total body without equipment.
Start with a 5-minute warm-up of jogging in place.
1) 6 lunges per leg + 10 seconds rest
2) 10 jumping jacks + 20 seconds rest
3) 15 cruches while lying + 10 seconds rest
4) 30 seconds cycling lying + 10 seconds rest
5) 10 push-ups on the arms.
——- 1 minute and 30 rest ————-
1) 10 jump squats + 10 seconds of rest
2) 20 calf raises + 10 seconds of rest
3) 30 seconds of plank + 10 seconds of rest
4) 20 superman ( lying on your stomach, raise both arms and legs up) + 10 seconds of rest
5) 10 burpees
———- 1 minute and 30 rest —————
1) 30 seconds of plank + 10 seconds of rest
2) 20 pelvis and buttock lifts from a stretch or bridge to the ground + 10 seconds of rest
3) 15 reverse crunches (raises and lowers the legs, stretched for the back) + 10 seconds rest
4) 15 dips on the chair + 10 seconds of rest
5) 45 seconds of running with knees up

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