Tinnitus and Stress: Relationships and Remedies
Stress is an insidious enemy, which can lead to unimaginable ailments, including tinnitus, starting a vicious cycle. It is possible to intervene with supports that cure the cause and with associated natural remedies.

Tinnitus is a more or less intense chronic annoying noise that lingers in one or even both ears .
The causes and treatments are difficult to identify and tinnitus is a so-called multifactorial disorder , that is, it is not only borne by the ear but can be generated by imbalances and dysfunctions of an organic and non-organic nature, therefore even the cure cannot be from protocol!
Even our emotional system can cause the onset of tinnitus , which results in a buzzing, whistling or rustling … and living with this constant presence only increases the levels of stress that may have generated it … in short, a vicious circle.
Read also A food supplement for the treatment of tinnitus >>
Stress and Tinnitus: relationships
Very strong traumas that reverberate on the nervous system can trigger forms of anxiety and stress that somatize in very insidious chronic disorders , such as tinnitus, also called tinnitus.
There may be a chemical relationship due to the increased production of glutamate in the brain triggered by high stress. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that performs the function of communicating an “excitatory” stimulus between one neuron and another by forming bonds.
If an excess of glutamate is produced , a surplus of excitatory signals arrives at the neurons that can cause damage to the brain areas. But what does this have to do with ringing in the ears from tinnitus?
The truth is, we hear with the brain ! Sounds are perceived by the cerebral cortex and arrive there through the acoustic nerve: the eardrum receives the sound impulse which is transformed in the snail into a nerve impulse and transmitted to the brain.
The acoustic nerve is a two-way “road”: in addition to transmitting from the periphery to the center, it also facilitates the reverse path, from the brain to the ear to modulate and optimize listening .
This communication network is much more sophisticated than that, but it is enough to make us understand how a slight imbalance can modify auditory perceptions or generate hyperacusions.
Tinnitus in general can originate from the most diverse causes :
> Mandibular malocclusion;
> high blood pressure;
> viral or bacterial ear infections;
> food poisoning;
> excess sugars
> generic softeners;
> glutamate used to enhance the flavors of food.
In the case of stress tinnitus we speak of “excito-toxicity” : hyperacusis caused by an excess of stress, in the sense of anxiety and stress which, as described above, sees the excessive production of glutamate.
Stress and tinnitus: remedies
How can we help ourselves if it is clear that the onset of tinnitus has occurred as a result of severe stress? Are there any remedies to silence the hum , or the rustle that has taken over our hearing?
In specialized clinics , various therapies are developed for the management of tinnitus: sound reprogramming, drug treatments, psychological support. This is precisely to respond to this symptom by addressing the cause in its specificity.
Based on a psychosomatic approach, we can consider tinnitus as a reminder that our brain has activated to remind us of the source of anxiety or stress that generated it.
We will probably have to resort to psychotherapeutic support to help us cancel the reminder, to overcome the trauma, to quell the hyper-arousal that has triggered such a strong neuronal response.
> Bach flowers : in association with this type of approach we can introduce some natural remedies that act at a vibrational level on states of hyperexcitability, anxiety, fears, such as Bach flowers. The most suitable one could be Star of Bethlehem : it is useful when you are unable to overcome the consequences of a trauma, both physical and psychic. This remedy is called the great comforter of the system . It acts in a subtle but profound way and can be a valid help even in the case of localization of a block due to trauma or a series of stressful events.
> Magnesium : we use it to decrease the high levels of glutamate that have caused this sort of stress “excito-toxicity”. Magnesium in fact acts as an inhibitor of glutamate, but not only: it is also a rebalancer of the ear, in fact it carries out an oto-neuro-protective action right on the acoustic nerve, that two-way road on which the impulse flows. sound.
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