Three reasons not to diet!

Three reasons not to diet!

o-DIET-facebookOn the pages of the Huffington Post USA , therapist Jennifer Rollin lists 3 reasons why it is better to avoid weight loss diets: sacrosanct reasons, but which are not totally new to us. At least once or twice we have already thought about it, the doubt of making a mistake touched us, but then the urge to lose weight seemed more important than those healthy perplexities. Also because, if we do not solve the situation of the extra pounds by “doing something” it seems to us that sooner or later we will gain weight again, while everywhere they tell us and repeat that there is no excuse, that to lose weight you just need good will. But will it be so?
Jennifer Rollin explains that the weight loss diet has a terrible boomerang effect: in more than ninety percent of cases it makes you lose weight immediately, but then leads you to regain the lost kilos. Rollin, who specializes in therapies for people with eating behavior problems, lists 3 good reasons to give up the weight loss diet, and instead focus on a healthy diet.

1) Diets do not help you keep weight forever: 
 when you are on a diet, your metabolism slows down and at the same time a series of hormonal, neurological and even intestinal changes make you crave more food. The maintenance diet rarely works, precisely because at the end of the diet the metabolism is slowed down, and by increasing the calories a little one tends to gain weight little by little. Furthermore, in addition to having to check and realize that even with maintenance you gain weight, you become victims of hunger attacks, nervous hunger, problems managing food independently but satisfying, without becoming a great stress.

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