the way of the essence of Luca Silvestri
The Way of the Essence: new model of intervention in the helping relationship, the work is aimed at moving beyond the conflicts and dialectics of the ordinary mind, avoiding the self-deception of emotional dissociation.
The particular feature of this approach is the way to reach the state of well-being and happiness, this method uses some principles of Tantra Yoga and other modern techniques of intra-psychic communication, for example the Gestalt Technique, some Bioenergetics exercises and other techniques. of release and integration of painful imprints such as postural integration .. This uniqueness has the advantage over other healing techniques or other initiatory and spiritual ways, for those who appreciate it, in having a pragmatic and operational and at the same time spiritual approach , oriented to the awakening of the awareness of the Essence.
Suffering, pain, fear, stress, anxiety and any other unwanted state is considered an opportunity to intensely express the depth of our being and gradually restore the certainty of fundamental trust. We relate feelings of all kinds up to their complete expression and this gives rise to gratitude and love and promotes spontaneous rebalancing, with significant practical advantages over other approaches: greater self-confidence, resolution of practical problems in a creative sense, determination , presence in relationships, ability to make choices and sacrifices, ability to support oneself, concentration on goals and above all a greater sense of ease in being here on earth.
“Everything is born in this moment, everything ends in this moment, it is here that you find the answer to all your questions, just intensify the feeling you feel right now, up to the Essence.”
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