The Warrior Diet or Warrior Diet

The Warrior Diet or Warrior Diet

Let’s go back to talking about intermittent fasting and, despite having already written about it a couple of times, I go back to talking to you about the warrior’s diet , a diet that is especially dear to some bodybuilders, and which consists of eating practically nothing all day, always exercising during the day and eat at will in the evening / night, within a period of about four / six hours. The warrior’s diet therefore falls fully within the types of intermittent fasting. 
But let’s see the diet step by step, starting with who created it. The inventor of the warrior diet is called Ori Hofmekler , and exactly as it’s happening with Dave Asprey and his Bulletproof diet Di him,he is someone who has built a business with supplements and diet products and obviously has written a book . In his case, Ori, an expert in nutrition and fitness, says he was inspired by the diet of our ancestors, indeed, of the Ancient Romans. Who marched all day and ate frugal and very poor, vegetable-based meals, then relaxing in the evening and eating freely at banquets. According to Ori, after the Ancient Romans we all became obese. Medieval man? Obese. The man of the seventeenth century? Obese. And so on: obese enlighteners, obese dictators, etc.

Now: the theoretical joke passed off as great truth is a bit the same as the fanatics of the Paleo diet. In the case of Ori it is the Roman Centurion, in the case of the Paleo the primitive man. They agreed, out of kindness. They have a secret summit where they eat paleo once a day, obviously in the evening, and discuss the precise year in which obesity arises. Then they warn us.
That said, there is also a less historical explanation behind the warrior’s diet: if we eat a lot in the evening, after all the daytime deprivations in which we have not eaten anything and have done a lot of physical work, the body uses everything we eat to recover energy, so it does not store what we eat in fat. Well, this is all to be verified, indeed, it is in fact unverifiable, since if you tend to overeat, therefore you are in a high-calorie context, that you eat six times a day or that you eat once a day, the context changes little. .

But let’s move on: according to Ori, eating once a day causes the body to feed itself and observe the circadian rhythms. Here too there is no logic that it is one, scientific evidence beyond the benefits of intermittent fasting that we have already seen in other articles . In fact, the problem is the issue of circadian rhythms: studies that have focused on circadian rhythms to establish meal timing or nutrient timing are currently conflicting . See the case of the Delabos chronodiet.

Ori explains that this warrior diet follows man’s instinct . Ori, sorry, but what do you know?
But why all this fiction in support of a food method?
And let’s move on.
Day work corresponds to greater vigilance and greater energy expenditure, which can be increased with the principles of intermittent fasting: Ori says to fast ten to twelve hours straight from the morning, if you just can’t make it, limit yourself to small snacks. raw vegetable base, very little fruit, very little protein and fat, or two nuts or one of its special protein bars or a hard-boiled egg or yogurt (one of these things to choose throughout the day: Ori is against small meals, you have to really fast or eat the minimum).
Go ahead instead for tea, coffee, sweetened herbal teas.
While starving, movement is essential. The organism has to go under stress. We are not talking about a walk, but an active lifestyle and an intensive training program.
We come to the part that interests everyone: how much can you eat and for how long? You can eat from twenty to midnight (or from eighteen to midnight), until you are full but you cannot eat everything (and here I want you). Few starches, few sugars, no to foods with a high glycemic index, there is also a food order to follow which involves starting the meal with foods with a low calorie density, and then indulging in starches and sugars.
So there are restrictions, nor is it advisable to eat until you feel sick.
It is not a diet where you can truly eat your fill. 
And finally we come to us: I recommend the Warrior’s diet only to people who are naturally able to eat very little during the day or who are already trained in intermittent fasting. My brother doesn’t eat breakfast, for example, a friend of mine doesn’t eat until the evening . The point that those I know lack is that they do not exercise, while in the Warrior’s Diet it is essential not only to slog, but also to do high-intensity activities .
I do not recommend it to all other people, i.e. 99 percent of us who are not athletes and have no specific goals.
Life is hard like this already. Starting the day knowing you can’t eat seems like an ancestral form of masochism to me. You decide how much ancestral: whether primitive or of the Ancient Romans.

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