The tabata method to lose weight in 10 minutes a day
In this article we will see how to use the famous Tabata method to lose weight even if we have little time to devote to physical activity or little desire to do it.
What is the Tabata method used for?
All people who want to lose weight worry about their metabolism: they want to burn more but also lose fat where it is needed. In fact, having a fast metabolism and losing weight are two things that don’t get along.
If I increase my metabolism and lose weight as a result, my metabolism subsequently slows down.
This effect of metabolism is an adaptive process , i.e. from an evolutionary point of view it is an adaptation that allows a living organism to maintain energy homeostasis.
If I always had a fast metabolism, but this energy regulation mechanism did not exist and I continued to lose weight, I would perish. On the contrary, our body, when we reduce calories, adopts metabolic compensation strategies. I am hungrier, I burn less energy.
How to get out of this puzzle?
By stimulating the metabolism over 24 hours with short workouts like Tabata or by training in any other way. And at the same time paying attention to nutrition. Only in this way can I prevent the metabolism from slowing down.
The Tabata method to lose weight, combined with some small dietary tips that I will explain to you on page two, allows you to both burn more calories and reduce fat mass. And
you will only need to dedicate 10 minutes a day to training. Also, if you do this workout in the late afternoon, you reduce your blood sugar and cholesterol.
The Tabata workout , created by Izumi Tabata, is a strategic type workout, designed to give maximum results with minimum effort.
It involves performing high intensity bodyweight exercises for twenty seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Each exercise cycle should last 4 minutes. There are variants of course but this is the classic method.
At the end of each cycle I can take a longer break of 30 or 40 seconds. On odd days, we can only do two 4-minute cycles, for a total of eight minutes of daily physical activity.
On even days, we will do three 4-minute cycles, for a total of 12 minutes.
In this way, in ten minutes on average daily , we will burn many calories and at the same time stimulate muscle mass.
Monday tabata full body 8 minutes, watch the free link on youtube . Alternatively this.
Wednesday tabata legs and buttocks, 8 minutes workout, free youtube link.
Friday tabata 4 minutes, complete training, to be done twice in a row, watch the video.
Sunday: One hour brisk walking or, if you can’t get out, do the power walk at home, video here.
Full Tuesday tabata 12 minutes with music, watch here.
Thursday abdominal tabata workout, three circuits doing this 4 minute workout three times. One minute break from the end to the new beginning.
Saturday tabata 12 minutes full body workout.
Now let’s see some dietary advice for those who want quick results. This is not a strict diet, there is no set menu and it doesn’t have to be drastic. Follow me to page two.
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