The purifying diet before the holidays

The purifying diet before the holidays

Who is thinking about Christmas and New Year? Among my contacts I have those who started preparing the tree from the beginning of November, and those who traditionally start buying spices and other ingredients to prepare sweets and other delicacies. And if you want to get to the holidays and the days before the holidays in moderate physical shape, this purifying diet can be for you.Very simple, very atmospheric thanks to spices and herbal teas, it is a diet that will allow you to eat normally in the days preceding the dreaded Christmas holidays but which scatter the month of December like small and unfortunate time bombs. I am speaking for example of December 8th or December 15th. With these simple tricks you can lighten yourself without feeling the weight of being on a diet, and help your intestine prepare for those moments of conviviality and food. The suggestions for this cleansing diet come from the book The Yoga Diet by Beth Shaw , who created the Yogalean method .
And if you’re interested, the book can also make a great Christmas present!

Foods to be preferred:
 on the days when you follow the diet yes to legumes, sprouts, whole grains and whole grain flours, dried fruit, fresh fish (not frozen) and free range eggs, fruit, vegetables and fresh fruit juices, yoghurt, tea and herbal teas. honey in moderation, spices, aromatic herbs, extra virgin olive oil. Legumes must be fresh or dried but NOT canned. Pseudocereals are preferred: Shaw recommends amaranth, quinoa and sorghum or millet stewed with vegetables.
Foods to avoid : meat, sausages, refined flours, rice and white pasta, alcohol, white sugar, fatty cheeses.
We can choose to do some days of purifying diet during the week, leaving us free one day a week on the weekend, which for sure will see us engaged in abnormal dinners and aperitifs.
Advice: eat seasonal fruit and vegetables. Eat locally farmed, fresh or organic food as much as possible. Cooking must be absolutely simple, even to prepare us to withstand heavier things that will arrive in December.

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