The Powells’ Christmas breakfast

The Powells’ Christmas breakfast

A very fast, protein and simple Christmas breakfast, which we can make in a sweet version or in a salty version.
Same calories, very simple and you can use the microwave to get a mug cake , or alternatively a non-stick pan.

It is the advice for the healthy and protein Christmas breakfast of the Powells, Chris and Heidi Powell.

With this quick breakfast, you stay light and full for a long time , so you can arrive at Christmas lunch with less hunger. Of course we can also do it on other days!
Let’s see it together.


Sweet version.
100 grams of cottage cheese
An egg + an egg white
50 grams of blueberries
Truvia a generous spoon

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and cook the mixture in a pan like a pancake, or put it in a cup and microwave it like a mug cake.
Kcal 225

Savory version.
30 grams of grated parmesan or emmenthal
An egg + an egg white
100 grams of green peppers cut into chunks.
Salt and pepper.

Same procedure as the sweet version.

The Powells’ Christmas breakfast

  • Eleonora Bolsi
  • Nutrition / Recipes

A very fast, protein and simple Christmas breakfast, which we can make in a sweet version or in a salty version.
Same calories, very simple and you can use the microwave to get a mug cake , or alternatively a non-stick pan.

It is the advice for the healthy and protein Christmas breakfast of the Powells, Chris and Heidi Powell.

With this quick breakfast, you stay light and full for a long time , so you can arrive at Christmas lunch with less hunger. Of course we can also do it on other days!
Let’s see it together.


Sweet version.
100 grams of cottage cheese
An egg + an egg white
50 grams of blueberries
Truvia a generous spoon

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and cook the mixture in a pan like a pancake, or put it in a cup and microwave it like a mug cake.
Kcal 225

Savory version.
30 grams of grated parmesan or emmenthal
An egg + an egg white
100 grams of green peppers cut into chunks.
Salt and pepper.

Same procedure as the sweet version.

The Powells’ Christmas breakfas

A very fast, protein and simple Christmas breakfast, which we can make in a sweet version or in a salty version.
Same calories, very simple and you can use the microwave to get a mug cake , or alternatively a non-stick pan.

It is the advice for the healthy and protein Christmas breakfast of the Powells, Chris and Heidi Powell.

With this quick breakfast, you stay light and full for a long time , so you can arrive at Christmas lunch with less hunger. Of course we can also do it on other days!
Let’s see it together.


Sweet version.
100 grams of cottage cheese
An egg + an egg white
50 grams of blueberries
Truvia a generous spoon

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and cook the mixture in a pan like a pancake, or put it in a cup and microwave it like a mug cake.
Kcal 225

Savory version.
30 grams of grated parmesan or emmenthal
An egg + an egg white
100 grams of green peppers cut into chunks.
Salt and pepper.

Same procedure as the sweet version.

The Powells’ Christmas breakfast

A very fast, protein and simple Christmas breakfast, which we can make in a sweet version or in a salty version.
Same calories, very simple and you can use the microwave to get a mug cake , or alternatively a non-stick pan.

It is the advice for the healthy and protein Christmas breakfast of the Powells, Chris and Heidi Powell.

With this quick breakfast, you stay light and full for a long time , so you can arrive at Christmas lunch with less hunger. Of course we can also do it on other days!
Let’s see it together.


Sweet version.
100 grams of cottage cheese
An egg + an egg white
50 grams of blueberries
Truvia a generous spoon

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and cook the mixture in a pan like a pancake, or put it in a cup and microwave it like a mug cake.
Kcal 225

Savory version.
30 grams of grated parmesan or emmenthal
An egg + an egg white
100 grams of green peppers cut into chunks.
Salt and pepper.

Same procedure as the sweet version.

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