The perfect diet for everyone? Does not exist

The perfect diet for everyone? Does not exist

You may have tried to follow a diet based on the fact that many people have found it effective for losing weight or improving health. A perfect diet according to many, but when you tried to do the same, the results left something to be desired.
And this while doing everything correctly.
How is it possible?
Dr. Tim Spector explains this through two studies he conducted together with a team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and King’s College London. 

Professor Tim Spector has been dealing with the link between diet and intestinal flora for years.


In the first study of 2019, which followed 1,100 people, mostly made up of pairs of twins, the team led by Professor Spector evaluated whether the same diet gave similar results in either weight loss or improved health.
Not only were homozygous twins who lost weight and who didn’t, but even the same diet had different consequences on their blood tests. On blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides.
And it doesn’t stop there. They also found that eating the same foods at different times of the day produced different effects.

This means that all the experiments done independently by homozygous twins to evaluate which diet is better, for which one is on a diet and the other follows the opposite diet, such as this one on an omnivorous diet versus a vegan diet or this one on a low fat diet. versus low carbohydrate diet , they are practically useless.


The second study, published in 2020 in the journal Nature , instead addresses the consequences of an identical meal on over a thousand twins in terms of increases in blood sugar, insulin and triglycerides. The sample is identical to the previous one, but here they analyzed the effects of each individual meal. The result is that each twin had different blood glucose, insulin and triglyceride values ​​compared to their counterpart despite each couple having the same meal.
Let alone if we analyzed people who do not have DNA in common!

The explanation for the results of the two studies according to the researchers lies in the intestinal flora .
In fact, even homozygous twins have a different intestinal flora, and this explains why there is no ideal diet even from a genetic point of view. The intestinal flora in fact also changes according to our habits of life, the place where we live, our hours of sleep and so on. And it differs from individual to individual.

Basically, diet is an extremely subjective fact, due to how our intestinal flora responds to food.

Furthermore, the time factor has its importance when we talk about diet. Having different circadian rhythms for example causes the body to respond well or badly to the same food at different times of the day.

Therefore there is no perfect diet, that is, one that works universally, that works on everyone to lose weight or to improve one’s health.

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