The paradox of snacks: why are those who eat them thinner?

The paradox of snacks: why are those who eat them thinner?

Whenever in nutrition we hear about a paradox, such as the snack paradox we see today, then we can be sure of one thing: the reasoning that leads to the paradox is wrong.

In mathematics, paradoxes are potentially infinite, but in common parlance, when we refer to a paradox, this paradox is often not a true paradox, but simply something that goes against current opinion.
And this often happens because the current opinion is wrong, not because there really is a paradox.


  • For example, the paradox of the French exists in nutrition .Why do the French eat fatty cheeses, pates, breads and pastries but are lean and don’t have high cholesterol? One explanation that makes water on all sides is that it is red wine that lowers their cholesterol levels thanks to resveratrol, an antioxidant substance. Of course, if you drink six liters of wine a day you can get enough resveratrol to have some effect. But drinking a lot would do more damage.
    And indeed the paradox of the French is a false paradox.
    Until a few years ago, the French only ate 3 meals a day. Now that this is no longer the case, they are putting on weight like other Europeans. So, on the one hand, they used to take in fewer calories, on the other, some foods of French cuisine are very satisfying and therefore it was also difficult to overdo it. It is true that in France fat cheeses are eaten, but instead of dessert at the end of the meal, for example, immediately after the salad. Or it is true that pâté is eaten on holidays, but pasta is used as a small side dish.
  • Another paradox is that of fruit.
    If fruit has simple sugars and sugars cause you to be overweight, why are those who eat more fruit also leaner, i.e. have less body fat? Here, too, the false paradox comes from the wrong premise when viewed in an absolute sense.
    Sugars cause excess overweight. But it’s easier to eat biscuits and not get full, than to eat an apple and not get full!
  • The same rule applies to the snack paradox .

    The phenomenon whereby children who consume more snacks also have less body weight is called the snack paradox. And in fact in northern Italy we find a higher consumption of snacks, but it is in the south that there is more childhood and adolescent obesity. How can this be explained? I tell you on page two. 

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