The One Day Weight Loss Protein Diet

The One Day Weight Loss Protein Diet

This slimming protein diet is ideal as a compensation diet , that is, if you have strayed for two consecutive days and want to deflate immediately: it has very few carbohydrates (less than 25 g net) and is also low-calorie, therefore it is the ideal solution both to compensate for a calorie excess than to compensate for an excess of carbohydrates and fats. It can be repeated for a maximum of two days in a row but no longer, being drastic (about 900 kcal). 

 a glass of water acidulated with the juice of half a lemon
omelette of 200 g of egg whites cooked in a small piece of butter (5 g) and served with a teaspoon of hero light jam (any flavor, found at the supermarket). As an alternative to jam, a teaspoon of peanut butter or almonds with no added sugar.
Lunch:  100 gr of shirataki (weight to be hydrated) with 100 gr of zucchini sautéed in a pan with a teaspoon of oil or a teaspoon of pesto and spices to taste + 100 gr bresaola with a teaspoon of oil and a handful (50 gr) of rocket.
Dinner:two cans of natural tuna with 100 g of iceberg salad and 100 g of sliced ​​cucumber plus a teaspoon of oil.
Snack: up to 4 possible.
10 almonds
10 gr dark chocolate 85% cocoa
100 gr Greek yogurt total fage (whole)
one medium-sized hard-boiled egg

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