The nutritionist’s lightning and detox three-day diet

The nutritionist’s lightning and detox three-day diet

What do many quick diets have in common?

They make you lose weight, but this weight is often water, and sometimes, if the diet is drastic, there is also a loss of lean mass rather than fat, that is, there is a muscle catabolism that the body uses to keep the amino acidemia stable.
This happens especially in non-obese individuals who want to shed a few extra pounds.

According to nutritionist Ro Huntriss , it is possible to make an effective three-day diet that thanks to its detoxifying characteristics can be done without any health risk, considering both its duration and the choice of foods.

This is the three-day detox diet that the nutritionist suggests as a remedy for losing weight or reducing overeating by doing it once in a while. It is suitable for all healthy subjects but is specific for women, except for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The nutritionist dubbed this three-day diet the Fitness 3-Day Detox Diet .

Fitness 3-Day Detox Diet

Rules: breakfast, lunch and snack are based on smoothies, centrifuged and smoothies.
Instead, dinner is normal.
This three day diet is low calorie with low carbohydrates.
It should only be followed for three days in a row.

You can’t train in these three days, but take an hour or two of walking in the afternoon or between breakfast and the morning snack. Pilates or yoga are also good. Coffee or tea is allowed as long as it is with stevia.


Breakfast. A glass of water with the juice of half a lemon or half, preferably lukewarm.
A green smoothie made by blending a medium cucumber, 100 grams of ripe pear or apple or half a ripe banana, a handful of raw spinach, a handful of parsley, a little lemon juice, stevia to taste and fresh or powdered ginger.

Snack. White smoothie with 250 ml of sugar-free coconut milk (such as Matt’s, Alpro, Provamel), 10 grams of chia seeds, 100 grams of currants or blueberries or raspberries or strawberries, half a banana.

Lunch. Pea and mint cream, obtained by passing 200 grams of fresh peas cooked in 300 ml of vegetable broth (made with half an onion, half a carrot and half a stick of celery) with fresh mint and a tablespoon of whole Greek yogurt or fresh cream. sweetened. Serve warm or cold.

Dinner. 160 gr of cod in foil with nutmeg, lemon juice, salt, pepper, curry.
Served with 250 grams of steamed broccoli without oil or butter.

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