The low-carb diet is NOT a women’s diet
Today I will explain to you, after days in which I do nothing but study the problem, why a low-carb diet that includes less than one hundred grams of carbohydrates per day apart from vegetables (one hundred grams is the equivalent of a slice of bread, half a portion of pasta or cereals, two fruits), it is not suitable for a woman . Since the ketogenic diet has become popular in the United States , that is the diet for which we must increase the consumption of fats and reduce that of carbohydrates to the consumption of vegetables and at most one fruit a day, more and more people suffer from thyroid problems . Especially women.
This is because more than men, women need carbohydrates both to ensure that thyroid hormone activity is not compromised by the lack of carbohydrates in the diet, and to avoid infertility problems. The disappearance of the cycle is a typical symptom in women of a low carbohydrate diet , while more than men, women may experience a sense of fatigue, exhaustion, slowed metabolism, headache, joint pain, difficulty concentrating
At the moment it is known that a diet with a high consumption of fructose (not specifically from fruit, which in any case must not exceed two or three servings a day: but fruit juices, sugar, baked goods, refined foods in high quantities) makes you fat and is a of the primary causes of obesity.
However, on the other hand, when women go back to eating carbohydrates after having the brilliant idea of ​​excluding them from their diet for too long, they not only lose weight, but they have a faster metabolism and more efficient digestion.
So, which carbohydrates to choose in order not to gain weight? And how many to eat?
For women who want to go on a low-carb diet, the advice isinstead, move towards a low glycemic index diet with very little fructose .
Here’s how:
– start breakfast with a banana + a protein food such as whole yogurt or two eggs or whole milk + homemade baked goods, with coconut flour, almonds or walnuts, but without sugar, alternatively using the stevia.
– make snacks with raw carrots to fight the desire for sweets
– eat pasta no more than three times a week, but with plenty of vegetables and a drizzle of oil, better if “sautéed” and above all al dente.
– alternate pasta with brown rice, or a medium boiled potato plus vegetable and oil or butter accompaniment
– eat two fruits, mainly acidic ones or red fruits
– eat the carbohydrate meal at dinner to help the thyroid work
– avoid the added sugars present in the products we buy at the supermarket
– eat balanced, especially making sure to eat as many grams of protein as our weight in kilos
– use potato starch instead of part of the flour (which will be wholemeal) or coconut, almond, walnut and hazelnut flours for sweet preparations
– reserve only one day a week for sinful sweets
Remember: a low-carbohydrate diet does not it must be extended beyond twenty days, if you are a woman.
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