Ten foods that deflate the belly

Ten foods that deflate the belly

bellyWhat are the foods that help us deflate the belly? There are some foods that due to their type of fiber reduce intestinal gas, increase regularity, fight water retention and immediately allow us to have a flatter stomach. Take note of these ten flat stomach foods, remembering however that if you often suffer from a bloated stomach the best thing would be to fight the problem with a FODMAPS diet, like the one I explain here .
In the meantime, however, you can begin to test these ten foods to reduce your waistline.

1) Fennel seeds
 : with their supply of fiber and mineral salts, just chew them at the end of a meal to aid digestion, avoiding imbalances in the pH of gastric juices and acting as a natural antispasmodic.
2) Salmon : fatty fish rich in omega3, due to its presence of fat it is digested better than other protein sources, increases metabolism, and contains vitamin D, which allows you to fight abdominal fat and promotes weight loss.
3) Eggs : not only are they noble sources of protein, but they increase metabolism and have a high satiating power. Particularly if you eat for breakfast. They also prevent the accumulation of fat. 4) Greek yogurt:

reduces cortisol, responsible for the accumulation of abdominal fat, and contains calcium, which improves metabolism.
5) Banana: thanks to tryptophan and its viscous fibers, a good ripe banana contains easily digestible sugars, does not ferment in the intestine, and helps intestinal regularity.
6) Whole grains: fibers, mineral salts, vitamins that fill, allow us to eat less, but above all improve our hormonal balance, increasing our metabolism.
7) Cucumbers: munch a little between meals. Here is the best way to combat abdominal bloating and excess fluids.
8) Asparagus:they fight intestinal fermentation and water retention, they have few carbohydrates and fibers useful for regularity. If we are swollen they are the best vegetables.
9) Extra virgin olive oil : the monounsaturated fats of the oil act on the way in which the body decides to store the energy stores in fat, and in particular in abdominal fat, avoiding this process and increasing the metabolism. A drizzle of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil on foods helps to have a flat stomach.
10) Water:water increases intestinal regularity and fights water retention. Let’s be sure to introduce at least one and a half liters or two of water a day a little at a time, between meals in order not to damage the gastric juices. Those who drink more water also have a thirty percent increase in metabolism.

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