The Longevity Diet or Blue Zone Diet
The Blue Zone diet is a longevity diet based on a few simple rules: animal proteins are not excluded but minimal quantities are eaten, daily portions of whole foods or legumes are eaten, snacks are not too high in calories and try to avoid industrial or processed products as much as possible.
Written in 2015 by David Buettner with the title of ” The Blue Zones solution “, the Blue Zone diet or diet of longevity is precisely inspired by the lifestyle of the populations living in the Blue Zones (Okinawa, Sardinia, some areas of Costa Rica, of Greece, etc.), and which are the longest-lived on Earth.
This longevity diet is not a weight loss plan , but many people can lose weight by following it, so it is a diet that reduces the risk of being overweight or obese. If you lose too much weight by following these tips, it is advisable to increase the amount of food.
Let’s see the general rules.
General rules:
- eat until 80% full
- dedicates one day a week to a semi-fast, consuming only fruit and vegetables for about 500 calories per day
- essentially eats plant-based or plant-based foods
- eat with awareness, chewing slowly
- drink a glass of wine a day (if a woman), two at most (if a man)
- share food with the people you love, preferring a healthy and nutritious cuisine
- eat three main satisfying meals, including: a hearty breakfast, a balanced lunch, a light dinner
- limit snacks to occasional fruit or vegetables if you are hungry
- do some movement aimed at feeling good, not losing weight or burning calories Dietary guidelines: the diet must include 65% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 20% fat.Carbohydrates from: whole grains preferably in grains (wholemeal pasta, brown rice) and products from whole grains with mother yeast in all meals, three servings a day of fruit, two of vegetables, fruit dehydrated in moderation, tubers twice a week ( potatoes, sweet potatoes), legumes even every day.
Protein from : legumes, a portion of fish or Greek yogurt per day (or skyr, goat cheese, quark), a portion of pecorino, fermented tofu or tempeh, 30 grams of walnuts, almonds or pistachios per day, meat (preferably white) two times a week, up to three eggs a week. Fat: 4 teaspoons of olive oil per day, cocoa, aocado, olives
Sweet: a dessert of your choice with 100 calories per day, or the equivalent in the form of jams, honey, malt.
Breakfast : wholemeal bread with mother yeast, two teaspoons of fruit compote, 200 ml of rice, oat or almond milk without sugar, coffee or tea of your choice, a portion of Greek or goat yogurt or an organic egg, a fruit.
Lunch: a portion of grain cereals or alternatively whole wheat pasta or rice or a portion of potatoes or a portion of bread with sourdough.
A portion of legumes or alternatively 70-80 grams of fish, shellfish or crustaceans or the same amount of fermented tofu or tempeh. 150 grams of vegetables of your choice. Two teaspoons of oil per meal. Herbs and spices. A fruit.
Dinner: a vegetable cream or a mixed salad or a steamed vegetable dish + 30 grams of walnuts of your choice or alternatively 80 grams of white meat and 10 grams of walnuts of your choice or alternatively a piece of pecorino and 10 grams of walnuts of your choice + two teaspoons of oil for seasoning. One glass of wine allowed. A fruit.
Snacks: in case of hunger it is advisable to eat one of the fruits in the middle of the day or raw vegetables.
During the day, unsweetened tea and herbal teas, citrus or orange juices, unsweetened almond milk are recommended.
It is possible to add a sweet of up to 100 calories, natural and homemade or alternatively 3 abundant teaspoons of honey for sweetening.
Vegetables can be flavored with olives, sunflower seeds, etc.
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