The hour that allows us to burn more calories

The hour that allows us to burn more calories

Have you ever wondered if there are times of day when our body can naturally burn more calories?

Here, a group of scientists wondered.
To be precise, researchers from  Harvard Medical School  recently published a study in the journal Current Biology , in which they outlined what hours of the day we have a higher metabolism, and when metabolism is naturally slower. Obviously, at times when the metabolism is higher, the body can burn more calories, and the body temperature rises accordingly.

The results of the study leave no doubt. The hours that allow us to burn more calories are those in the afternoon, while the metabolism instead lowers from late evening until morning.
How can we use this news to our advantage?
Here are some tricks. 

  1. Eat more in the first part of the day, from morning until lunch, and instead reduce calories in the second part of the day, i.e. from late afternoon to evening.
  2. Prefer more carbohydrates and less fat always in the first part of the day , but always balancing the meal with proteins. For example, for breakfast we can eat biscuits with jam + a skimmed Greek yogurt or skim milk. For a snack a fruit. For lunch, rice or pasta with vegetables and lean proteins. For example, a plate of pasta and legumes or a plate of pasta with shrimp, egg whites, chicken or tofu plus vegetables, or alternatively a wholemeal sandwich with natural tuna and grilled vegetables. Limit yourself to a teaspoon of oil.
  3. At dinner , stay light with vegetables, proteins and fats (and fewer carbohydrates). For example, eating a second dish of meat, fish or cheese or at least an omelette with vegetables, and then ending the dinner with a fruit. A light minestrone, a portion of salmon and a small sour fruit like a kiwi are also perfect.
  4. Prefer physical activity during the afternoon , to be able to burn more calories. Never on an empty stomach, though. We would risk slowing down the metabolism.

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