The effects of office work on health

The effects of office work on health

Compared to other more “physical” types of jobs, which require strength and physical prowess, office work may seem less tiring. However, spending several hours at your desk can also cause various problems, especially when it comes to daily activities.

Incorrect posture

Working several hours at a desk often causes poor posture , both of the back, neck and head.

This causes several symptoms, such as lumbar back pain , stiff neck, sciatica (pain in the leg and buttock), but also headache, migraine and dizziness. To avoid all these problems, it is essential to sit with your legs bent at 90 ° and with your feet firmly on the ground.

It is also necessary to adjust the height of the backrest from the chair, in order to support the lumbar area , and to tilt the PC screen if necessary. In fact, moving the neck towards the screen is one of the main causes of pain, therefore it is always better to approach or adjust the PC and not your posture.

Also, avoid crossing your legs and use soft palm rests to support your arms while using the mouse and keyboard.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is linked to various problems, the so-called “diseases of the modern world” : obesity, diabetes, but also neurodegenerative diseases, heart attacks and strokes.

In fact, they are increased by the lack of movement during the day. Those who work in the office, in fact, spend several hours sitting, without moving except for very short distances, however, they get tired all the same. Fatigue is mostly mental, but likewise, you feel fatigued at the end of your working hours.

This pours into the daily routine: you rarely get to exercise after several hours in the office. Therefore, a useful tip could be to disconnect for breaks during working hours, and take some walks , if possible outside, otherwise inside the building.

In fact, movement helps to restore the functioning of neurotransmitters, which allow you to better concentrate on what you are doing.

Vision problems

Excessive use of the computer for several hours a day causes eye problems. These disorders are indicated with the acronym CVS, which means Computer Vision Syndrome.

In fact, the dazzling light, reflections, poor definition and contrast make screen reading more complicated than reading on paper.

Therefore, straining the eyes causes headaches , dryness and eye irritation, blurred vision and in addition it could increase existing pathologies. The tips to avoid these problems are simple: you need to position the PC screen so that the center is a few cm below eye level, at least 70 cm from the face, and it is also necessary to adequately illuminate the room , using as much as possible natural light.

Don’t forget to blink frequently and to rest your eyes at least every two hours, taking your eyes off the PC. It could also be useful to use a pair of anti-blue light glasses , or special glasses with lenses capable of rejecting the blue-violet rays coming from electronic devices.

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