The diet of trades: how to eat for those who work

The diet of trades: how to eat for those who work

It is called ” The diet of trades ” and is a book that explains how to eat according to the work that takes place. Written by Eleonora Buratti , journalist and sociologist, with the collaboration of Dr. Carlo Giolo , dietician, “The diet of professions” is a book that focuses on the nutritional needs of those who carry out jobs that force them to work shifts, or to sit down, for example. all day or on the contrary standing all day.

Our activity level obviously affects the caloric energy balance , but also the choice of foods that can help us reduce work-related stress. Each of us has his own balance not only energy but also nutritional that must be customized according to certain needs: those who wake up early have different needs than those who work at night, for example.
The book also addresses the problem of occupational risks: the stressed manager, the worker who has to deal with metals or pollutants, the hairdresser.


Those who sit all day will have to eat less than those who work as a personal trainer , here is another example. In this article we see some of the tips from the book.


Those who work shifts often have digestive problems and weight problems that are the result of a hormonal imbalance, due to having to stand and awake for example at night, and therefore having a dysregulation of circadian rhythms. The “friendly” minerals of shift workers are chromium (a great energy regulator) and zinc (which instead helps concentration and is an enzyme of an important antioxidant process, superoxide dismutase).

Help is given by pumpkin seeds, by snacks of dehydrated fruit with no added sugar, by foods that provide fibers that modulate the glycemic and insulin response, such as those of mushrooms and whole grains (barley and oats). Light, frequent meals and a mid-shift snack are key.
A decoction with aniseed or fennel seeds is an ideal belly deflator.


Shop assistants, bartenders, head nurses – these people often do jobs that force them to stand up all day. This is detrimental to circulation, causes swollen legs but also problems with intestinal regularity. Green light to draining foods such as leeks, onions, pumpkin, lettuce, fennel, to foods rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins (cocoa, green tea, red fruits) which have a beneficial effect on the capillaries, to ginger as a stimulant of circulation (also good turmeric).
So yes to an infusion of lemon and ginger to drink during the day, to draining vegetable dishes, to cups of green tea, to snacks based on prunes or extra dark chocolate, to cranberry or pomegranate or acerola juice. Light cooking such as steam is recommended.


This is the classic situation of the employee , but also that of those who work for example on trucks. Eight hours or more, most of which sat behind a desk. Here a light diet based on low-calorie foods is the recommended choice: fish, white meat, fruit and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and watch out for seasonings. Friendly foods: shallots, a powerful anti-inflammatory and dried tomatoes as a snack.

Avoid industrial foods, preparations, any food that contains additives (in particular emulsifiers, ie fats) that can favor an “obesogenic” situation, yes to alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that increases sensitivity to insulin, spices and herbs aromatic herbs to reduce the consumption of salt, to unsweetened foods, such as low-fat white yogurt. The diet of those who sit all day should be as natural as possible.

Below we see some examples of diets for this type of worker.
In the book The diet of trades, however, dietary plans are indicated.
Shift worker: examples of diets can be The Snack Diet,  or Dr. Subacchi’s Diet. 
Diet for those who stand : excellent Doctor Migliaccio ‘s diet for legs , or the Dash diet. Diet for sedentary subjects: in addition to the Zone diet, the easy low-carb diet , the balanced weight loss diet .

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