The diet of the archetype: the female diet of the 4 types

The diet of the archetype: the female diet of the 4 types

It is called the “archetype diet” and is a diet designed to make women lose weight, dividing them into 4 archetypes, or into 4 categories that focus on its peculiar characteristics. Therefore a female diet. Developed by nutritionist Dana James, physician, dietician and expert in behavioral therapies, the archetypal diet identifies each woman’s weaknesses and strengths, and how these become a problem with food and body weight. Let’s see the 4 female archetypes of the archetype diet. 

1) The Wonder Woman: it is the archetype of the over-committed woman, for whom 24 hours are never enough. People congratulate her because she is a successful person, and in general one who makes a career or excels at what she does in the eyes of others: but, precisely because her day seems not enough, Wonder Woman never finds a time. real to itself, and never relaxes. When she tries, there is the worry of having to do something, of being able to use that time for something else. When she finally shuts down, Wonder Woman tends to overeat in the evening, just as she tends to skip meals, improvise meals in her spare time. And this obviously reflects on her weight. The predilection goes to an extra glass of wine or an extra treat, which she uses to reduce stress when she can’t take it anymore. She thus tends to accumulate belly fat.

What the doctor recommends: focus on yellow or orange foods such as citrus fruits, yellow peppers, pumpkin, pineapple; checking the thyroid and adrenal glands (cortisol test); learning to let off steam and talk to someone about their problems, while at the same time doing anti-stress activities, such as yoga or breathing exercises; the recommended drink is rose tea . To lose weight, try weight loss yoga with an app like Asana Rebel. 
Clean up the pantry of sweet and packaged foods, alcohol. Try instead with fresh fruit, fruit sorbets, instead of industrial or pastry desserts. Plan dinner and meals with very simple alternatives:grilled meat or fish, baked potatoes and side dishes of salads or vegetables, always balanced meals, no low carb or low fat. 

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