The BRAT diet against a bloated stomach

The BRAT diet against a bloated stomach

Bloated stomach, digestive problems and a couple of extra pounds caused by a bulging abdomen? If stomach bloating is your enemy, the Brat diet, a quick diet to follow for no more than 3 days, can help you as an “emergency remedy” for a bloated stomach. This is a very special regimen, developed almost a century ago, useful for those with gastritis, diarrhea, vomiting and a swollen and painful stomach or gastroenteritis ( source ). It is a diet with a high consumption of certain types of “harmless” carbohydrates, which reduce stress and inflammation, solve the problem of diarrhea and quickly reduce both heartburn and stomach swelling, without intestinal fermentation because they are not very fibrous .
Given the type of diet,it cannot be continued for more than 3 days in a row , but it is recommended to start the day with a probiotic starting from the fourth day as soon as you wake up , and to limit the fats in the diet for a week .

To be followed for a maximum of three days, perfect for one or two days.
Breakfast: 2-3 slices of toast (no wholemeal, no seed bread) with a spoonful of apple puree (like Melinda) + a cup of unsweetened tea and a multivitamin.
Snack:  a banana (ripe but not too ripe!)
Lunch and dinner:  up to 80-100 grams of white rice (no brown rice) with a teaspoon of raw extra virgin olive oil and at most a sprinkling of parmesan.
Snack:  a banana or a slice of toast with a teaspoon of apple puree.
Recommended during the day: a sugar-free mineral salt supplement (ask at the pharmacy).

Foods allowed starting from the second or third day: we can try delactosed Greek yogurt after a day of this diet, to replace one of the snacks as long as it is skimmed and natural (such as Zymil), or an omelette of 2 egg whites in a non-stick pan as a second “light” after rice. For those who tolerate them well, even 250 grams of boiled potatoes in salads with a little oil, parsley and garlic can replace one of the rice-based meals.

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