The benefits of the Swedish mat
The Swedish mat allows you to massage the body effortlessly and simply by lying on it, in total relaxation. A few minutes of its use brings numerous benefits.

Swedish mat – what it is
The Swedish mat has the shape and size of a normal mat used for yoga or gymnastics.
The difference is that inside there are disks in hypoallergenic and plastic material, equipped with small tips .
It is, in essence, the sweetened version of the spiked mat used for many oriental practices.
The discs introduced into the mat cover a large part of the surface , and allow you to exercise a self- massage on the acupuncture points, simply by lying on them.
The benefits of the Swedish mat
The energy channels of acupuncture run throughout the body, from head to toe, including the arms. They are located both on the back and on the back.
There are more than 300 acupoints . the body is therefore heavily traversed by these energy channels, able to balance the different physical functions of the organs, and the associated emotions, following the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
Shiatsu massage , as well as classical acupuncture, tuina, and moxa, exploit the properties and functions of acupoints to restore health. The Swedish mat works in the same way: by lying on the mat, the tiny spikes can exert pressure, equal to their own weight, on the meridians.
Read also Acupressure to stimulate well-being >>
The benefits of the Swedish mat are numerous:
> Relaxation : the very first benefit is that of relaxation, which becomes deeper the longer the stay on the Swedish mat is prolonged.
And this not only for the obvious lying position, but also thanks to the massage on the muscular areas of the back, shoulders and lumbar area, usually the most contracted;
> Improvement of circulation : the tiny spikes that insist on the legs and arms decongest lymphatic and blood stagnation, improve the appearance of the skin and underlying tissues.
The self-massage that is performed on the circulation through the pressure with one’s own weight and the oscillations of one’s breath, improve the microcirculation and lymphatic return, deflating and draining the limbs;
>  Production of endorphins and oxytocin : the former are protein hormones that act as neurotransmitters able to modulate the pain threshold and act as natural endogenous antidepressants, while oxytocin is a hormone linked to the ability to relate to what is there around and derive a satisfactory relationship from it.
The Swedish mat can also be used to practice plantar reflexology : just as walking barefoot massages the soles of the feet and tones the reflex zones, walking or standing on the Swedish mat practices a complete plantar reflexology of the sole of the foot, toning the organs and increasing vitalism.
In light of all this, the Swedish mat has numerous benefits : relieves headache, back pain, lumbar pain, neck pain, improves sleep and concentration, helps blood and lymphatic circulation, deflates and drains legs and arms, relaxes from tensions, tones the internal organs.
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