The 7-day crash diet to lose 2 kg

The 7-day crash diet to lose 2 kg

A shock diet that works as a quick detox to lose 2-3 kg and fill up on fruit and vegetables.
But also to follow a vegan diet that in just one week allows us to reduce the percentage of animal fats and proteins from our table.

Tiffany Cruikshank, an expert in holistic nutrition, developed it for the MindBodyGreen website, explaining that she uses this shock diet every time she needs to get in shape, quickly deflate and detox.
The shock diet should only be done for a week in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies: it is ideal if we have eaten too much previously and want to cancel the days of excess.

Herbal teas or unsweetened green tea can be drunk during the day, but no coffee or juice.
It has the advantage of being fast. The preparations are simple.


Days 1, 2, 6 and 7

Breakfast with a vegan smoothie obtained by blending two scoops of vanilla flavored vegan protein with 100 grams of banana or half an avocado or a large orange or 200 grams of strawberries or a medium-large apple + 10 almonds or 3 walnuts + a carrot or 150 grams of fennel or a handful of raw spinach or a cucumber + stevia + a glass of water. I recommend that you try different combinations every day because the smoothie is the basis of the diet.
For vegan proteins I suggest you choose them by looking at this article where I show you the best ones.
If you don’t want to buy protein powders, no problem. Use 100 grams of demeter brand silky tofu or 200 grams of Yosoi low-fat soy yogurt.

Snack with two rice cakes and two teaspoons of almond or pistachio butter (10 g).

Lunch with vegetables of your choice sautéed with a spoonful of coconut oil or olive oil (same quantity), a spoonful of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) or hulled hemp, sea salt or gomasio, spices to taste. A digestive herbal tea.

Snack with one fruit and ten almonds or 2 walnuts instead of almonds.

Dinner with the vegan smoothie in the morning, preceded by a small green salad dressed with lemon juice and a teaspoon of oil.

Days 3, 4 and 5

Vegan smoothie breakfast.
Snack with half an avocado with a little salt and lemon juice or alternatively two rice cakes and two teaspoons of almond or pistachio butter (10 grams).
Vegan smoothie lunch.
Snack as a snack.
Dinner. Vegetable crudité dish with a teaspoon of oil and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. 125 grams of soy yogurt.

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