The 4-week intermittent ketogenic diet

The 4-week intermittent ketogenic diet

The intermittent ketogenic diet is a regimen that combines intermittent fasting with the normal high-fat, low-carb, moderate-protein ketogenic diet.

This diet lasts 4 weeks and makes you lose eight to ten pounds, the equivalent of two sizes.
But a maintenance regime is necessary according to the rules that I will tell you at the end of the article in order not to regain the weight lost.

First of all, let’s see what the intermittent ketogenic diet consists of, conceived by Jennifer Perillo , famous Consulting Food Editor. The diet provides around 1350 calories and is divided into 3 meals of 450 calories each.


  • Food is consumed for eight hours a day, and fasted for the rest of the time.
    This type of intermittent fasting can be done in three ways.
  • Skipping breakfast, you can eat for lunch (1pm or 2pm), a snack and dinner (9-10pm) for those who dine late.
  • Breakfast is postponed to eleven in the morning, and dinner is eaten by seven in the evening.
  • Having breakfast at seven in the morning, but then the last meal is by five in the afternoon, so you fast in the evening.


Meal one.

  • Two scrambled eggs in a spoonful of coconut oil or butter, a glass of unsweetened almond milk, coffee or tea with stevia.
  • Or. 4 biscuits made with 25 grams of grated coconut flour, 10 grams of almond or pistachio flour, an egg white, lemon zest plus erythritol or stevia. Coffee or tea with stevia.
  • Or a smoothie with 100 ml of 60% fat coconut milk, a tablespoon of cocoa, 80 grams of avocado, stevia.
    More coffee or tea with stevia.

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