The 21-day diet of David Mariani and Franco Berrino

The 21-day diet of David Mariani and Franco Berrino

It’s called “ Twenty-one days to be reborn ” (Mondadori editions) and it’s a six-handed book.

Written by the epidemiologist Franco Berrino, the famous coach David Mariani and the teacher and writer Daniel Lumera, inventor of the My Life Design method, the book explains how to reduce the silent inflammation of the body.
That is, it explains how to cleanse, get back to health and lose weight with a lifestyle and diet change that pays off in three weeks.

The 21-day diet: it takes 3 weeks to change your life.

According to Dr. Berrino , three weeks is the minimum time for a behavior to become a good habit, in order to be able to make substantial changes that generate positive changes in the body.

From the regeneration of the intestinal flora to a new lifestyle, he explains.
That’s why you should go on a 21-day diet, with tips to reduce a sedentary lifestyle and pay more attention to food
The focus of the book is to teach better nutrition starting from wiser choices at the table, that is, living and vital food. Let’s try to understand this point better.

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