800 calories a day: Bridget Malcom’s extreme diet

800 calories a day: Bridget Malcom’s extreme diet

Thin, diaphanous, blonde, indeed I would say very thin: the famous model Bridget Malcom has all the characteristics to be a catwalk supermodel according to the canons of modeling agencies , yet, the model of the famous Victoria’s Secret brand, Bridget Malcom was too fat and she was put on a diet by a famous nutritionist. Despite being already underweight. 

She religiously followed the 800-calorie-a-day diet that the nutritionist had developed for her: all for three years, as she herself stated, from 2014 to 2017. Her 800-calorie-a-day diet included only vegetables in leaf, protein shakes and dietary supplements sold by the same nutritionist. Never trust the people who put us on a strict diet, even if they have the qualifications to do so, and never trust those who try to sell us products to lose weight. Model Bridget Malcom’s nutritionist is not mentioned, but she ensures that she is one of the most well-known in the star system.

She told me I was messed up, even though being underweight, I didn’t understand what that meant , the model said . Which, pushed by the nutritionist and in order to work, continued this diet of 800 calories a day for three years , dangerously slowing down her metabolism, but not only: with the diet, Bridget lost her period and began to suffer from strong anxiety and panic attacks, suffering from insomnia and being unable to get out of bed from fatigue. But when she reached what the nutritionist said was her weight in her shape, Bridget began gaining weight with the maintenance plan. She regained the weight she lost in one week, gaining more in the following months as well. Which forced her to go back to the 800 calorie diet.
It was her husband who made her understand that this situation was absurd, as well as negative for her health. Since that time, she Bridget has said goodbye to crash diets . Her message is: don’t trust me. If the nutritionist pushes the sale of her supplements, if in spite of the fact that you are thin or of normal weight, she pushes you to lose weight, if she gives you diets far below your basal metabolic rate, escape as far as possible. 

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