Swelling of the body
What can be the cause of a generalized swelling of the body but above all legs , hands , face? I have tried natural drains to no avail and even massages! I go to the bathroom regularly and drink plenty of water
Health Answers

generalized swelling of the hands, legs and face can be attributed to a yang deficiency in the spleen and / or kidney . this is the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine that offers valid remedies and treatments to restore this type of energy in the body and thus restore the metabolism of water, without it having to be retained under the skin. in the case of energy deficit of the spleen we will also have a tendency to loose stools and drowsiness after lunch, in the case of a depletion of renal energy we will also have coldness and fatigue and also easy low back pain. in both cases the rule of drinking only if you are thirsty applies, in the sense that making an effort to drink only makes the situation worse. I agree with my colleagues on the importance of a healthy diet, but perhaps in this case we could help with herbs, remedies and / or treatments that result a little faster. once the right energy has been re-established, nutrition must certainly be taken care of, in a personalized way to maintain the balance achieved. not C’ there is only one remedy that I can suggest to you in this message because the choice depends on the evaluation of pulse and tongue, which can only be done in person. I therefore recommend that you consult an expert in traditional Chinese medicine. I greet you.

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