Stubborn and chronic constipation: causes and remedies
The tendency to suffer from constipation depends on several factors but a balanced diet and physical activity can always help. However, when constipation becomes chronic and stubborn, some simple and effective natural remedies can help.

- What is stubborn constipation
- Causes of stubborn constipation
- Symptoms of stubborn constipation
- Consequences of obstinate constipation
- Diagnosis
- Diet for stubborn constipation
- Natural remedies for stubborn constipation
What is stubborn constipation
Stubborn constipation or chronic constipation is an annoying intestinal disorder that mainly affects women, characterized by poor or absent stool evacuation, attributable to physiological , hormonal or even psychological and emotional causes . We understand this disorder as a  more stubborn form of constipation , in which intestinal peristalsis is extremely slow , even less than 3 bowel movements per week are indicated.
Causes of stubborn constipation
Chronic constipation is such when the stool is stopped for a period of at least three days or the constant rhythm of the daily evacuation is not maintained. The causal factors behind this type of phenomenon can be of different nature: physiological, neurological, muscular, hormonal.
- At a physiological level , intestinal motility can be stopped by the presence of anal fissures  , intestinal obstruction, colon cancer, intestinal stenosis, rectocele, rectal cancer.
- On a neurological level, the nerves that accompany the muscle contractions in charge can be affected by pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, stroke, for which nerve control is no longer effective.
- At a muscular level , problems related to the pelvic floor and its muscles can cause stubborn constipation, such as prolapse, dyssynergy (when the pelvic muscles do not coordinate relaxation and contraction), or anism, when the pelvic muscles are unable to be relaxed to allow alternation .
- At the hormonal level , there may be difficulties in balancing the amount of fluids in the intestine, due to diabetes , hypothyroidism, pregnancy,
Even an unhealthy and unbalanced type of diet can affect the functionality of the stomach and intestines: eating meals in peaceful conditions, adopting a diet rich in fiber , drinking plenty of water throughout the day are habits that promote proper digestion and assimilation of foods.Â
A sedentary lifestyle is also the enemy of the intestine: at least 30 minutes of movement, intended as a walk, should be ensured per day.Â
The psychosomatic vision interprets chronic constipation as the fear of the outside world and the desire not to “let go” of the emotions, maintaining a forced and obstinately conflictual attitude with the world and with oneself. In the bioenergetic field, a lot of work is done to rebalance the exchange of give-and-take and the retention factor, elements that come into play when one closes oneself and tends to “hold back” rather than “release” something.
Symptoms of stubborn constipation
The symptoms manifested by stubborn constipation are lumpy and hard stools , a feeling of blockage in the rectum , insufficient bowel movements, the need to resort to mechanical aids for evacuation.
Consequences of obstinate constipation
The prolongation of long periods of obstinate constipation in adults can lead to serious consequences for which it is then necessary to intervene with the help of a specialist. The most common consequences are the formation of hemorrhoids , internal or external, a very painful laceration such as anal fissure and a weakening of tone with rectal prolapse .
Endoscopic or radiographic studies can obviously fully diagnose the physiological causes of incorrect and irregular intestinal transit.
The diagnosis is made through tests prescribed by the proctologist doctor , a specialist of the case who, starting from a general physical inspection and a digital rectal examination, will deepen the state of the condition both at a systemic level with blood tests to check the thyroid parameters and calcium levels , an x- ray , a sigmoidoscopy to investigate the rectum and lower part of the anus, or a colonoscopy to examine the entire colon.
During the diagnosis phase, it may be useful to carry out tests related to celiac disease . Some of the symptoms in these cases are episodes of diarrhea alternating with phases of constipation , due to gluten intolerance and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which causes malabsorption of nutrients.
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