Stories of weight loss: the case of Katie, 62 kilos away

Stories of weight loss: the case of Katie, 62 kilos away

Every now and then, as you know, I like to talk to you about stories of extreme or important weight loss , often with protagonists who choose not to do bariatric surgery to lose weight, but adopt solutions in which they take their life in hand by changing their style . In this case , I was very struck by the story of Katie , who has lost more than 60 kilos since 2012 after the doctor told her that she was in danger of obesity.
Now Katie is another woman: she weighs 60 kilos and is running her first marathon.

Katie Hug, a young mom from Idaho, was addicted to food and antidepressant drugs. After the doctor told her she had to find a solution, Katie made decisions. Her first, very important one was to talk to a psychiatrist and deal with her addiction to drugs.
Later, she decided to walk as far as she could : the tour of the block, then the tour of the neighborhood, then the tour to the mall. Each week she has increased the duration of her tour.
Finally, one important thing is that many people underestimate how much they eat: with the help of a calorie counting app, Katie discovered that she ate over 5,000 calories a day, and therefore set herself to cut calories in half, 2500 As you can see, he did not have drastic diets, the wisest thing if you pass from a period in which you exceed your needs is to return first of all to your needs, and gradually modify it when you lose weight. Katie did this, and in this way she lost 60 kilos in two years: to the walking routine she added the weight room in the gym three times a week.
As you can see, these are not drastic diets or incredible upheavals. Often these weight loss stories arise from small changes in your routine: overcome those, you go on.
And constancy pays off.

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