Spring vegan protein shake

Spring vegan protein shake


This vegan , strawberry-flavored protein shake perfect for spring provides 350 calories and is suitable as a substitute meal for dinner or lunch for weight loss, as long as breakfast and dinner (or other leftover meal) are still moderate from an angle. caloric, with a preference for a large side dish of vegetables with raw oil and lean proteins (tofu, tempeh or eggs if you are a vegetarian, or a low-fat cheese) or a fruit and a Greek or soy yogurt depending on your nutritional profile.

The strength of this vegan protein shake is the creaminess , and the fact that despite strawberries it is a low carb meal, perfect for those who want to keep sugars under control and have a healthy and natural meal with organic ingredients.

It provides just 13 grams of net carbs and 12 grams of protein.
Here are the ingredients.


  • 160 ml of vegetable drink with almond, cashew, hemp or coconut with no added sugar.
  • 10 gr of almond, peanut, pistachio or hazelnut or cashew butter without added sugar and organic
  • 2 tablespoons of organic hemp seeds (about 15 g)
  • 100 gr of strawberries.
  • stevia or other sweetener.
  • a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa.
  • a few ice cubes to make it frothy.

    Blend all the ingredients. You can drink the smoothie immediately, but you can also take it with you for a lunch break out: in this case, put it in a shaker to shake it hard before drinking it.

    Nutritional values ​​of the vegan protein shake:
    350 calories, 27 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates of which 5 of sugars, 12 grams of protein.
    The light option: lighten the smoothie by replacing the butter with ten almonds or pistachios and eliminating the cocoa in favor of a grated lemon zest.

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