Spastic colitis, symptoms and foods to avoid
Spastic colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a functional disorder that afflicts many people. What are the symptoms and what habits to encourage to prevent the problem.

We often use the term colitis generically in a not entirely correct way to refer to a functional disorder more properly described with the term  irritable bowel , also called “spastic colitis” or “mucous colitis” .
Symptoms of spastic colitis
Spastic colitis is a movement disorder that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract and includes a complex of symptoms affecting the lower and upper digestive tracts .
The main symptoms are:
> more or less intense abdominal pain , generally of a cramp-like type. Pain often resolves with defecation;
> diarrhea ;
> constipation ;
> post-prandial relaxation .
Other symptoms are bloating , nausea , headache, fatigue, presence of mucus in the stool, feeling of incomplete evacuation, but also anxiety and difficulty concentrating.
Symptoms almost always occur in a waking state and are exacerbated by the ingestion of food or by a moment of tension and stress . Anxiety is both a symptom and a possible cause.
Women are more often affected by spastic colitis than men. However, in general, it is a very common condition, so much so that, overall, about half of the specialist visits to the gastroenterologist are due to spastic colitis.
Emotional factors, nutrition, and medication can increase symptoms .
In some people, spastic colitis presents mainly with diarrhea , which often takes a hasty and urgent form, typically immediately after or during a meal or, less frequently, in the morning after getting up .
Read also Chronic diarrhea, the causes and the right diet >>
Are there spastic colitis foods to avoid?
Nutrition is one of the contributing factors to the symptoms of colitis. However, in addition to the foods to avoid , there are good habits to follow and bad habits to eliminate or in any case reduce.
To reduce aerophagia , doctors often recommend avoiding excessive chewing of gum, as well as the use of carbonated drinks.
Milk and derivatives are to be excluded from the diet only in lactose intolerant patients and are to be reduced in those who notice an increase in symptoms when they consume these foods.
Cigarette smoking  makes symptoms worse and should be avoided , as do coffee and alcoholic beverages. Spastic colitis, however, is a condition that is heavily influenced by emotional factors; therefore, if the total abolition of these substances causes anxiety and nervousness in the person concerned, a major reduction rather than a total abolition is generally recommended.
It is also very important to pay attention to the regularity of meals and to follow healthy dietary habits , therefore no to excessively processed foods rich in sugars and / or fats, yes to light meals, whole foods, seasonal vegetables.
No to continuous between meals and no to skipping meals ; yes to three main meals a day plus two snacks, one mid-morning, the other mid-afternoon.
And, of course, in case of symptoms affecting the gastrointestinal system , seek medical attention and avoid diets and do-it-yourself remedies .
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