Sore throat in adults and children: symptoms, causes, remedies

Sore throat in adults and children: symptoms, causes, remedies

Sore throat can have different causes and affect different sections of the upper airways. It can also be the first symptom of more serious ailments or diseases.
It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor to investigate its nature. However, there are natural remedies that can alleviate the symptoms. Let’s find out which ones.

sore throat

What are the causes of a sore throat , how to cure it from the first symptoms, what to eat, which remedies are most effective?

  • What is sore throat
  • Types of sore throat
  • Symptoms of sore throat
  • Causes of sore throat
  • Diagnosis
  • Natural cures and remedies for sore throat
  • Nutrition in case of sore throat
  • Herbal remedies
  • Bach flowers for sore throats
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Aromatherapy 
  • Exercises

What is sore throat

Sore throat refers to painful irritation of the throat, which intensifies with swallowing.

The inflammation can be infectious , viral or bacterial or irritative in nature . The portions involved can be: vocal cords, larynx, pharynx, tonsils.

Types of sore throat

Based on the anatomical part affected , the sore throat is specified in:

  • Pharyngitis : inflammation of the pharynx , the portion contained behind the tonsils, manifests itself with pain, cough, difficulty in swallowing.
  • Tonsillitis : inflammation of the tonsils , which are located on the sides of the uvula and are secondary structures. When they become inflamed, they become red, swollen and covered with plaques.
  • Laryngitis : inflammation of the larynx, which is positioned between the pharynx and the trachea, hosts the vocal cords and is responsible for phonation. In case of inflammation, in addition to pain, a lowering of voice can occur .
  • Tracheitis : the trachea is the deepest duct that reaches the bronchi through which the breathed air passes. When it becomes inflamed , there is a cough , burning sensation, difficulty in breathing. Sometimes the sore throat occurs without fever, in other cases it represents one of the flu symptoms.

Symptoms of sore throat

The bottom of the palate , the walls of the throat and the pharynx cause a discomfort that grows progressively: these are the first symptoms of a sore throat.

The intensity of this disorder varies depending on the cause. Sometimes the sensation of a foreign body at the bottom of the inflamed throat can make even swallowing difficult.

Sore throat is usually accompanied by redness, inflammation and, in cases where the sore throat is linked to flu and viral states, it can occur together with colds , headaches, sinusitis and otitis media, fever. 

Causes of sore throat

Sore throat can be bacterial or viral in nature . Also there may be several reasons that determine the onset of this pain, such as:

  • Eating too hot food or drink
  • inhalation of irritating vapors;
  • excessively dry or humid air;
  • allergies;
  • jump in temperature;
  • gastroesophageal reflux .

In other cases the sore throat becomes the visiting card of measles , chicken pox , rubella . 


The examination that the doctor performs in case of sore throat takes place through the use of an instrument with a light that allows to  investigate the throat, ears and nasal passages.

It then continues with the palpation of the neck to check for the presence of inflamed and swollen lymph nodes to the touch. 

The next step is to listen to the breath with a stethoscope. Together with the throat swab, the doctor may prescribe a complete blood count (blood test).

Natural cures and remedies for sore throat

Sore throat of viral origin resolves in 5-7 days without drugs. In case of bacterial infections it is necessary to take antibiotics instead.

While waiting for the problem to resolve itself, it may be useful to counteract the pain with natural remedies for sore throats and some soothing grandmother’s remedies. Nutrition is always the starting point.

Nutrition in case of sore throat

Sore throat is an inflammatory phenomenon that involves the throat area with redness and burning, sometimes accompanied by a lowering of the voice. An anti- inflammatory diet is necessary
with the elimination of packaged foods, sugary drinks, milk and derivatives and red meat. Preferred will be:

  • Whole grains ;
  • legumes ;
  • oil seeds ;
  • fruit ;
  • seasonal vegetables .

In case of aphonia there are two effective nutritional associations:

  • Increase the consumption of raw onion added to salads, mixed with tomato or eaten alone seasoned with oil and vinegar, to be alternated every hour with gargles of water and salt and immediately after with a tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice .
  • Chew 3 fresh olive leaves to swallow only the resulting bitter juice, then spit out the leaves.

Broccoli is also useful for sore throats. In fact, the active ingredients present in these vegetables have the ability to mitigate inflammation of the upper airways (pharynx, larynx, trachea and upper part of the bronchi) thanks to the presence of sulfurane.

\Herbal remedies

The plants used in the treatment of throat affections have an anti-inflammatory action for the mucous membranes and antiseptic of the oral cavity .

Through herbal teas, mother tinctures or dry extracts, these remedies act effectively, in case this disorder is caused by irritating agents, but also, if the origin is of an infectious nature. 

  • Marshmallow : extracts of marshmallow root are used for the emollient, soothing and protective properties of the mucous membranes. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity that it exerts on the soft tissues of our body makes it an effective remedy in the treatment of respiratory tract disorders, such as sore throat and mouth irritations such as abscesses, stomatitis and gingivitis; 
  • Erisimo : also called ” singers’ grass “, it owes its name to the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action on the airways. In particular, its use is recommended in the treatment of sore throat; in cases of aphonia and dysphonia (lowering or momentary loss of the voice), resulting from laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis; and to soothe the dryness or inflammation of the throats of smokers, actors and those who work with the voice; 
  • Grapefruit : the extract of its seeds is considered one of the most powerful herbal remedies against infections. It is particularly suitable for colds , due to influenza viruses, and for this reason it is indicated for sore throats (even in the presence of plaques), cough, ear infections, colds, flu; but also for bacterial and fungal infections affecting the upper airways; 
  • Mallow : the flowers and in particular the leaves are rich in mucilages , which give the plant emollient and anti-inflammatory properties for all the soft tissues of the body . These active ingredients work by coating the mucous membranes with a viscous layer that protects them from irritating agents. For this reason, the use of mallow is indicated against sore throats and in catarrhal forms of the upper airways.
  • Rosa Canina in bud extract ( Rosa canina ) is a remedy for nasopharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, tonsillitis (even those relapsing from childhood). It is effectively used to raise the immune defenses , even for sore throats in children and babies; in acute inflammatory states, localized, loaded with mucous membranes and epithelia.

You can learn more about the properties and benefits of rose hips, useful for sore throats

Bach flowers for sore throats

On a psychosomatic level, a sore throat denotes the unconscious will to stifle communication , when we have to talk to someone who is experienced as an authority or whose reaction we fear. Pharyngitis, laryngitis and lowering of voice manifest a communication imbalance that must be modified.  

  • Agrimony : helps those who have a tendency to withdraw into themselves, who do not reveal their problems, and frequently yield to the will of others, for fear of losing their affection, to face problems instead of hiding them from everyone, and to assert ourselves in relationships of love and work. 
  • Centaury : for those who are unable to say no, erase their identity and individuality to serve others. He needs to please others, so he is easily used by other more opportunistic and less scrupulous characters.

    He denies his needs until he feels deeply emptied: since there is no exchange, his Self does not receive energy and becomes increasingly weak and tired and for this reason he falls ill easily. The remedy helps to affirm one’s personality, adopting a more balanced attitude towards others. 

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