Slow metabolism and high blood pressure: the morning tea

Slow metabolism and high blood pressure: the morning tea

Slow metabolism and high blood pressure, but also blood sugar problems and digestive difficulties?
A plant considered sacred would be a cure-all if used as an infusion in the morning.

It is called ” holy basil “, but is better known by its original name, which is Tulsi or Tulsi herb .

An adaptogenic plant with innumerable properties, long known in Ayurvedic medicine, with a strong antioxidant effect , useful for fighting inflammatory diseases, but above all capable of detoxifying the body if taken in the morning, reducing high blood pressure and increasing metabolism.

In fact, a tulsi-based morning tea would act as a detoxifier and increase metabolism, lowering pressure, reducing stress and in particular cortisol , improving digestion, reducing blood sugar, improving skin tone and helping the body to dispose of toxins of the night.

In India, tulsi leaves, considered a sacred plant, are chewed and widely used in cooking, but the herbal tea would have a better effect on slow metabolism and high blood pressure .

For more benefits, just infuse 5-6 tulsi leaves (or a tablespoon of chopped leaves) in hot water, letting the preparation rest overnight, and drinking the infusion in the morning.

We can find tulsi in single-dose sachets as in Tulsi Chai – 30 Pyramid Sachets produced, in whole or shredded dried leaves, by the herbalist.

Or we can buy Tulsi’s tea mix , and make a tea directly according to the instructions, to always drink in the morning, before breakfast .

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