Six things to lose weight that everyone ignores

Six things to lose weight that everyone ignores

Today, inspired by an article by James Fell , personal trainer, columnist and fitness expert who doesn’t send her to say on his blog Body for wife , I list six things to lose weight that everyone ignores but which are essential for losing weight. Basically, these are common to all people who have successfully lost weight, only no one ever deigns to point them out. But they are very important.
If you are struggling to lose pounds or do not like your fitness and are wondering which diet is the most effective, first ask yourself if you are willing to consider these things. And then the rest.
Are you ready? Street!

1) It takes time: most people who want to lose weight have a problem, amplified by the typical slogan of 99% of the diets on the market. He is impatient and wants to lose weight right away. The business of diets cradles this illusion of theirs. In reality, losing weight with the right strategies takes time, and moving forward simply brings us back to square one. 2) You need motivatio

: weight loss is not linear, and losing weight in health and with the right training is more complicated than you think. In addition to time, you need to be motivated. Hunger, calorie moderation, changing your eating habits and lifestyle habits are no joke. Those who want to lose weight must also be motivated to change their heads before their bodies.
3) You need dedication or commitment:this thing, although sister of the first two points, deserves a separate chapter, being the dedication absolutely dependent on time. Finding time for the gym or training, dedicating yourself to finding a personalized answer and a truly tailor-made path, dedicating yourself to taking care of your diet, rethinking meals. All things that require dedication. Instead, when you ask people to commit, they come up with these excuses, because they are such: I can’t because I don’t know how to cook; I can’t because I don’t have time to go to the gym, etc. An intelligent training (even biweekly but with the right intensity) and a diet plan are not built overnight. Even those who pay a professional must commit to being the protagonist of his own situation. If you don’t care, who will keep us in your place?

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