Satisfying diet: lose 4 kg per month by eating at will

Satisfying diet: lose 4 kg per month by eating at will

The satiating diet is a regimen based on satiety foods that was recently tested by two new studies that confirmed its effectiveness for losing weight . The diet provides 50% carbohydrates, 20-25% protein and 25-30% fat.

The foods to be preferred are: whole grains, vegetables, legumes, white meat, fish, low-fat cheeses, fruit.
Those who followed the satiating diet lost not only weight but more body fat.

The satiating diet scheme allows you to lose 4-5 kilos per month by eating at will. In this article we see: a typical scheme and diets that are based on the principle of the satiating diet.


  • Breakfast.

  • 200 ml of skim or soy milk in which we cooked 35 grams of oat flakes. Alternatively we can eat same weight of Kellogs All Bran or 3 wasa slices with 3 teaspoons of sugar-free jam. Plus 10 almonds or 10 grams of dark chocolate.
    Otherwise: 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt or 200 grams of skimmed quark with 3 tablespoons of All Bran cereal or a Fitness cereal bar + 100 grams of fruit, 4-5 almonds.
  • Snack.

    Free quantity of cucumbers and fennel + an orange or 150 grams of unsweetened fruit.

  • Lunch.

    Mixed salad or raw vegetables of your choice with 1 teaspoon of oil.
    A plate of wholemeal pasta or brown rice of 50 grams or 120 grams of potato gnocchi with vegetables in free quantity + 1 teaspoon of oil. Alternate the pasta with 50 grams of rice or soy noodles or 300 grams of beets or 220 grams of sweet corn or 200 grams of boiled potatoes.
    Optionally we can add 130 grams of crustaceans or molluscs or 100 grams of drained legumes already boiled or 70 grams of tofu / tempeh or 50 grams of feta or 100 grams of light mozzarella.
    Paprika and chilli are recommended as spices.
    A walnut + a coffee with stevia.

  • Snack.

    150 grams of low-fat Greek yogurt or 25 grams of Grana Padano with 100 grams of fresh fruit in pieces + a cucumber.
    Or 250 grams of melon with 3 slices of raw ham.

  • Dinner.

    Mixed salad or raw vegetables of your choice with 1 teaspoon of oil.
    Lean meat such as chicken or turkey breast or veal or white fish in medium quantity or a carpaccio of bresaola or grilled shellfish or omelette of two eggs or 150 grams of cottage cheese or 160 grams of boiled legumes. Free vegetables with 1 teaspoon of oil.
    40 grams of toasted wholemeal bread or 160 grams of boiled potatoes. A square of dark chocolate.


  • In depth here are the slimming menus based on the satiating diet.
  • Dr. Ludwig’s Anti-Hunger Diet.
  • Dr. Rolls’ volumetric diet.
  • Anti-hunger diet.

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