Reduce cellulite with birch oil

Reduce cellulite with birch oil

Do you want skin with a tighter, more toned appearance and do you also want to reduce cellulite? Do not buy expensive products and do not force yourself to unnecessary detoxes if you do not know which products are functional to your well-being and which are counterproductive. To reduce cellulite and give your skin a more toned look, try a single, important product. Birch oil.
Think, it’s also cheap !!! Birch is a plant with astringent, anti-inflammatory, purifying, draining properties, and is highly recommended for giving the skin a healthier, more luminous, compact and smooth appearance thanks to its high flavonoid content. Its use makes it an incredible ally against liquid stagnation, swelling in the legs, the orange peel appearance.However, it can be contraindicated in allergic subjects, so do a test first by trying a birch product on the skin, and if there are no signs of redness or other adverse effects, then you can proceed to use it.
How to use birch oil to reduce cellulite?

The do-it-yourself product that can be valid is the use of a few drops of birch oil in a base of almond oil, softening and soothing. Add ten drops of birch essential oil diluted 20% in 100 ml of sweet almond oil: if you want, you can enhance the effect of this oil with 5 drops of lemon essential oil and another 5 of rosemary or cypress essential oil. Essential oils cost money, but these purchases allow you to have a supply of product throughout the summer, with which to do massages twice a day after a shower, one in particular in the evening. But let’s say you don’t like messing around and you want something ready. What to bet on?

We can however buy a birch oil to reduce cellulite, applying it with a vigorous massage on the legs, arms and belly twice a day, and at a cost of less than 30 euros for a product. which will last you no less than 3-4 months.
What I use to get the best skin is Weleda’s birch oil, which in my opinion is great value for money

I buy it on Amazon, but this birch oil can also be found in shops that are produced for the home and body hygiene, in parapharmacies, perfumeries and herbalists.
Of course: you need to be consistent in your use to see results!

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