Ray Peat’s Thyroid Diet, simplified version

Ray Peat’s Thyroid Diet, simplified version

Ok, this article will only interest me and the few others in Italy who know and follow Ray Peat’s work.
In any case, I write it anyway, since it contains the result of three years of documentation.

Who is Raymond Peat? Ray Peat is an American physiologist who has specialized in metabolism and thyroid disorders for decades. A voice out of the chorus whose ideas, written at the turn of the seventies and the 2000s, then found wide acceptance and were spread, making Dr. Peat a kind of cult.

Peat, in fact, wrote in numerous articles and books that the number one enemy of human health is stress, taking up the work of Hans Selye .  Stress that derives not only from environmental factors that we cannot control (work, quality of life in general), but also from stressful situations that we create in our body, and which worsen both our metabolism and in particular our thyroid because they are systemic, cellular. Among the controllable stressful situations are nutrition and physical activity.

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