Purification of Disharmony

Purification of Disharmony

A harmonization between subtle bodies and physical body

Purification of Disharmony

The word “health” derives from the Latin salus or “salvation, safety, integrity”

It is a condition that we know for our survival and we know well that it can vary from positive to negative, or vice versa. Every day from birth we struggle to avoid illnesses, accidents, wounds, conflicts, sorrows, in order to maintain the initial positive status intact and continue to live by walking in the direction of the soul, until the last days of life.

During this journey it is inevitable to find difficulties that test physical strength, personality and intelligence, main characteristics linked to the body, soul and mind; therefore by “good health” we can mean the integrity and good balance of these three pillars of human existence.

Holism, good health

There are different points of view on the definition of “good health” and that of integration represents the Western theoretical principle called Holism (from the Greek όλος, olos, that is “totality”, “globality”) based on the Eastern philosophies-theologies of the thirteenth century between referred to in Ayurveda .

Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of natural medicine handed down by man, a great gift from India to the world. The term “Ayurveda” is composed of the terms “life” (ayu) and “knowledge” (see), so its meaning is “knowledge of life”, or “the art of good living”. 

In addition to medical science, it contains elements of philosophy, art and discipline, and offers a complete vision of existence , teaching to know the true nature of the Human Being and its environment, and to maintain the balance between it and the Universe. According to the philosophy of Ayurveda, in fact, life is not mere existence, but must be managed according to four main objectives: Dharma (virtue to follow, “duty”), Artha (wealth of understanding, well-being / prosperity), Kama (happiness) , Moksha (freedom / enlightenment). The main purpose of Ayurveda is to maintain good health and well-being in order to support the pursuit of these goals. 

Ayurveda distinguishes three different vital energies (Tridosha), each of which differs in main body location and particular function. The normal balance of Doshas corresponds to the health condition, while the imbalance of one or more causes the disease.

Daily lifestyle, adaptation to seasonal changes, diet and contact with nature are very important to maintain the balance of Doshas and therefore health (since 2015 it has been well integrated into the Indian national health system with several hospitals Ayurveda present throughout the country). The remedies and vibrational techniques help to maintain this state by rebalancing the frequencies a bit like the musician tunes the strings of a guitar; we can call this system “harmonization”.

Health as harmony

Harmony is equivalent to conformity, concord, assonance, and in this context it assumes the value of equilibrium between the elements.

The English doctor Edward Bach, discoverer of flower remedies, argued that health is our heritage, our right, and that it is the complete union of soul, mind and body . This positive condition can be disturbed by events external or internal to the person, causing interference. The interference between two water waves, for example, is their superposition at a point in space which in turn creates ripples.
“Interferences happen in every life, they are part of the divine plan, they are necessary so that we can learn to resist them. […] The speed with which we progress depends on us: if we allow interference in our divine mission, if we accept the manifestation of interference (called disease) and allow it to limit and harm our bodies. […] It is allowing the interference of other people that prevents us from listening to the dictates of our soul, and that leads to disharmony “(from the book” Free Yourself “by Edward Bach)

According to this same author, we speak of “disharmony” when we interfere with other people or allow others to interfere with us without even accepting its bodily manifestation. Fear, terror, impatience, compulsion, fanaticism, ignorance, restlessness, indecision, indifference, pain, weakness and doubt, are some examples of disharmony which, once somatized in the body, become symptoms of disease.

In addition to disproportionate attitudes to situations , even the body organ in dysfunction, an out of tune piano, a disturbing environment are the disharmonious manifestation of a state.

Interferences can be internal when they are related to the psyche and the emotional sphere, external due to climatic factors, mixed due to constitution, overwork, trauma, epidemics, poisons.



The self-healing process is of paramount importance, so we need to allow it to happen by restoring the foundations. Recreating the original environment of when it vibrated harmoniously, means starting to eliminate impurities and all that is foreign, through Purification .

Purifying with holistic methodologies involves knowledge of subtle anatomy; below is a brief mention of the human entity: man is composed not only of the physical body, but also of seven envelopes called “subtle bodies”. They are more and more intangible and invisible to the naked eye as you go from the physical to the depth until you reach the essence of the soul.

They constitute autonomous energy fields in continuous movement and flux that interact with each other, creating a connection bridge between spirit and matter in both directions of flow.

ATMIC BODY Complete development of that divine spark that every being possesses since its birth. The aura of the atmic body is the whole universe and if an embodied being has reached this level it is impossible not to notice the shining white light of him. It allows you to tune into the divine will to implement the evolutionary plan that has been assigned to us as a purpose and task in this life.

BUDDHICAL or CHRISTIC BODY Represents the body of the wise, the masters and the enlightened. It is the energy of pure love that can expand on a planetary level. Allowing to express this feeling without attachment, competition or jealousy, unconditionally towards all living beings.

CAUSAL BODY Like an envelope, it contains the profound acquisitions of being, the predispositions and capacities against which or towards which one must strive to proceed in the evolutionary path. It represents the essence of reason, the world of archetypes, intuition, the global vision. It allows you to see all aspects of a situation or an object in an instant, connecting the personality to the collective consciousness of the planet.

MENTAL BODY It is the seat of the intellect and thoughts. It acts as an intermediary between the lower and higher bodies, allowing you to think clearly, rationally and logically. If mental activity is concentrated, the mental body shines in a color between white and yellow.

ASTRAL BODY Linked to emotions, it reflects all moods, feelings and desires. It favors a feeling of emotional stability and psychological security because it develops the sensitivity necessary to extend one’s self-conscious essence to others in acts of sharing, brotherhood and love.

ETHERIC BODY Closely linked to the physical body, it extends for about 17cm as an energy protection wall, light blue – gray in color. It is the energetic result of all chemical processes, so perishable to be attacked by diseases and negativity.


The Chakras are distributed from the etheric body

The chakras are vortices of vital energy placed at specific points of the human body, depicted as the sacred Indian lotus flower and marked by the color related to the vibrational frequency. They are not physical entities and are connected to both the nervous system and the endocrine glands.

Their function is to distribute the energy flow in the form of thoughts, emotions, mood, behavior, breath, heartbeat, metabolism and all other physical functions. In every human being there are 7 main chakras : 5 arranged along the axis of the spine and 2 in the head. They receive energy from the subtle bodies and through the nervous system transmit it to the internal secretion glands of the endocrine system.

The latter manage the functioning of every part of the physical body through the hormonal secretion dosed by the influences received. In order to manage life, the chakras make use of the collaboration of three major distribution systems at their disposal in the body: the nervous system (central, sympathetic and parasympathetic), the endocrine system (glands with internal secretion) and the blood stream. .


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