Protein bars, how to use them for snack or meal replacement

Protein bars, how to use them for snack or meal replacement

Today I am talking about a food that can take away your craving for sweets, it is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates so as not to weigh on the blood sugar, it is satiating and it is great to take with you if for example we work all day or we are traveling but we want to keep the diet: the protein bar . There are many protein bars on the market. Which ones and how to choose them?  Who are they recommended for? In addition to athletes, protein bars are ideal for people who want to stay on a diet but on the other hand go into crisis at the time of the snack or end up wanting sweets and snacks that are not part of their diet plan, for people who need to get more protein but struggle to eat protein foods throughout the day, because they don’t digest legumes, don’t eat fish and meat, and so on. Often, however, even in the consumption of protein bars there is a tendency to make mistakes: those of 50 or 60 grams are already the limit for a moderately active or sedentary person, and can replace a meal, but are not suitable for snacks and snacks. The 25-35 gram ones are too low in calories to replace a meal, and are good as a snack instead. For this article, therefore, I will divide the protein bars useful as snacks or snacks from those that can occasionally replace a lunch.

Protein bars can be balanced, that is to say they also have fats and carbohydrates, or low carb. Low carb, reduced carbohydrate content, are fine both if we are on a balanced diet, so we already take pasta, rice, bread or potatoes, but we must keep simple sugars under control; and obviously in low carb diets. These are the ideal snack bars. Calories should range from 80 to 135 calories at the most. Here are some examples:
– Yummy Bar, low fat protein bars: these bars contain around 130 calories per piece. They are ideal for snacks and ideal for those who have to keep fats under control. My favorites are lemon. YummyBar Crunchy Protein Bar 6x35g
– Nakd vegan bars without preservatives and excipients : these are excellent for snacks and also as an after dinner snack. They are very balanced and not high-protein. Each bar has 100 calories, and only 5.5 grams of protein, only natural ingredients. You can also find them in organic and vegan shops. Nakd Mixed Case (20 bars) – Prozis zero:  these are very satiating mini bars, ideal for example in the late afternoon, for those who tend to overeat in the evening. They have 111 calories each. They are small but dense, and greatly limit hunger: they do not have sugars but polyols, therefore simple carbohydrates that are not assimilated. My favorites are the chocolate ones. Prozis Zero Snack 12x35g – Enerzona snack dark flavor:

Enerzona bars are balanced bars, therefore not too protein, which are inspired by the Zone diet. They taste good and are only 96 calories. They are also found in some supermarkets. Enerzona Snack Dark Taste Noir 
– Fit Bar: the Fit Bars are vegan and gluten-free bars, with a mix of nuts, gluten-free or oilseed cereals and fruit. They have about 100 calories each, but they are not protein. They are more sugary, ideal after working out, perhaps, or for sportsmen. Fit BAR Snack BIO
Now let’s see the ideal ones to replace a meal. 

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