Plants of the sign of Virgo
The plants of the sign of Virgo are subject to the influences of Mercury, which governs all exchanges with the outside world: they promote digestion, calm the autonomic system, helping natives to relax the mind and silence the judgments that are too severe, to let themselves go more serenely to their emotions
The plants of the Virgo sign are active on nerve transmission and intestinal transit  perform digestive , carminative and anti- inflammatory action on the gastrointestinal system, others are calming of the nervous system, as they are governed by the planet Mercury, Lord of the sign, a symbol of intelligence and practicality .Â
In fact, to treat diseases, in ancient times the correspondences between plants and planets were taken into account , and the Theory of Signatures was used , for the recognition of plant remedies to be associated with an organ , by virtue of the fact that each plant reported in the form , in color or flavor an imprint, or a ” sign “, of its link with a bodily organ and with a planet . According to this system, herbs and medicinal plants would have the qualities of the planet that governed them and would be used to heal the organ associated with them.
Sixth sign of the Zodiac, mobile (because when it is born, the season is transforming into the next one), and characterized by the Earth element , that of Virgo corresponds in nature with the conclusion of the great reproductive cycle , which began in spring with Aries . The fertile Earth, rich in moods, which we met in Taurus , has now dried up to give nourishment: after the great effort of being born, living and reproducing, everything now seems suspended, folded in on itself, waiting for something new and imponderable. .Â
For this reason, the natives of the sign are characterized by self -control and thriftiness . The earth element binds them to concreteness , to today (here and now), to everyday life (in particular to daily work), to conservation that is expressed with manual skill . Their minds are particularly endowed with analytical and critical faculties . Meticulous, precise, they have a sense of order , respect and observance of the rules , but also the utilitarian vision of things,  in serving and being served.
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The sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury
The season of the sign of Virgo is that in which the summer heat and light are now in a descending parable; the first autumn breezes alternate with the last warmth . Day after day the light also fades: this is a period of accounts  and reflections at the end of a long summer season. The wheat has been harvested and placed in the barn, the cycle of the seasons is over and the earth has given all its riches, it is the time when the provisions are made , and since winter is approaching, the time it is precious because light is gradually giving way to darkness.
The graphic symbol of the girl who holds the ear of corn in her hand , re-proposes the meaning of the fruits of the earth, the “virgin” land after the harvest . In the evolutionary cycle of man, the Virgin represents a principle of order , of balanced distribution of energies, to produce concrete works . As a psychic process it refers to the intelligence that selects data and plans initiatives : man begins to understand that he has to deal with a future that he does not know and that scares him; he therefore undertakes to regulate it, so that it does not escape its control and does not expose it to being alone, without resources , in the darkness and in the cold that it perceives imminent.
The natives of the sign wish to transform and slow down the passage of time , making things last as long as possible (hence the methods of preserving food ). All that is listing , cataloging , regulation ; bureaucracy _, the sorting and the censuses are part of the activities and aspects of the Virgin. This sign is at ease in the “norm”, understood as a rule, law, articulated and organized habits: fixed jobs and hours, which make it reliable and sure of its abilities. Her modesty and patience are her virtues, while her loss of control is her greatest anxiety, due to the profound fear that instinct may make him take dangerous and false steps, dominated by chaos and instability.
Planet of the sign, we have seen is Mercury, which also rules Gemini, but the Mercury of Virgo is no longer the vibrant intellect hungry for knowledge, fast and agile that is expressed in the form of irrepressible and fickle curiosity. In Virgo he becomes an Earth Mercury who above all inspires great concreteness , efficiency , industriousness , scrupulous attention to detail , accurate programming skills , targeted and fixed knowledge, analysis, method, precision,  aimed at making the future safer . Lovers of order, sometimes even with some slightly manic nuances, the natives love to plan their existence in such a waydo not leave room for the unexpected and keep on the tracks of a reassuring routine . The changes, the novelties, destabilize them and awaken their insecurities, even if in the face of tempting prospects, because the natives often harbor more or less complex secrets of inferiority.Â
The weak point of the Virgo personality is the difficulty of relaxing the mind and silencing too severe judgments, to let oneself go more serenely to one’s emotions. The reserved and introverted nature of the sign generates a modesty about one’s feelings that sometimes does not allow the most genuine expression of the heart’s impulses, so as to arouse a feeling of coldness in those who approach them. The critical spirit and nervous sensitivity make them refractory to passion and make it more difficult to get rid of certain inhibitions that hinder their emotional impulses.Â
Those born under the sign of virgo bring with them a great inclination to altruism , a strong self-awareness, a remarkable capacity for empowerment and superfine precision, which often leads them to find great opportunities to prove their abilities, which they often end up overloading their days. Moreover, individuals born in this period differ in considerable intellectual abilities , certainly not common, also accompanied by a good spirit of observation , which makes them prone to judgment, often deep and biting, also above all for the ability to appreciate the art and aesthetics . For this reason the Virgin should learn toabandoning oneself with more flexibility to diversity and to everything that is not conventional, because it could help her inner and practical improvement, smoothing out her rigidity and her discipline that is at times too severe.
In the Zodiacal Man , a theory used by Medical Astrology and founded on the belief that  each sign presides over very specific anatomical parts  , the sign of Virgo governs the intestine , abdomen and digestion processes . Any undue excitement or nervous disturbance would cause digestive disorders and consequent  malabsorption of nutrients and mineral salts; hepatic and intestinal disorders , poisoning, irritable bowel .Â
Plants of the sign of Virgo
Virgo plants are those influenced by Mercury, the planet that in this sign governs all that is exchange , nerve transmission and intestinal transit .
We find all the umbelliferae characterized by aromatic , digestive properties such as fennel , angelica and those with a relaxing action on the nervous system and antispasmodic on the gastrointestinal system.
- Licorice : it has  digestive  and  anti-inflammatory properties and protective for the mucous membranes ; it is therefore used against  gastritis  and  heartburn , prevents and treats gastric and duodenal ulcers, caused by drugs and alcohol, and  ulcerations  from chemotherapy. The active ingredients of licorice are mainly triterpene compounds and their derivatives, especially glycyrrhizin (substance fifty times sweeter than sucrose), flavonoid i (liquiritin), phytosterols, saponins, mannite , starches and vitamins. The most important active principle is represented by glycyrrhizin, mainly concentrated in the woody parts of the plant and in the roots . Licorice is also slightly laxative , thanks to the presence of mannite, the active ingredient in manna. Mannite (mannitol) is a natural sugar that acts against constipation by drawing water into the colon and facilitating its emptying. For this reason the decoction is very effective in case of constipation and in disorders related to irritable bowel syndrome .
- Valerian : helps the nervous system in general and the gastrointestinal system . The mechanosm of action is due to the presence of the esters of the valerianic acids and the iridoids . Thanks to these active ingredients, valerian has sedative , relaxing and hypno-inducing properties, that is, it promotes sleep. By reducing the time needed to fall asleep and improving its quality, valerian is indicated in cases of insomnia and anxiety , hyperexcitability and  gastritis. Furthermore, some of the terpenes and flavonoids can act as agonists with adenosine receptors and be partly responsible for the spasmolytic action on smooth muscle, useful in case of cramps and irritable bowel syndrome .
- Fennel : this plant facilitates all exchanges of the body with the outside world . At the intestinal level, its marked tendency to speed up transits and absorption due to the predominance of mercury is more concretized. The Roman historian Pliny the Elder loved to exalt its virtues and tells us that snakes ate only fennel when shedding their skin, recovering visual acuity thanks to the sweet juice of the seeds of this plant. In truth, today, this property has been denied in favor of a reinterpretation that wants it to be capable of stimulating our farsightedness and clear vision of the future . Its use reduces stressand regularizes the entire autonomic system . Its action is essentially protective against the aggression derived from the frustrations of those around us. Fennel favors openness to others with love and joy, entering into harmonious empathy with everyone.
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