Plants of Sagittarius
The plants of the Sagittarius sign are those capable of corroborating and promoting all the metabolic processes of the organism, because they are influenced by the element of Fire and the planet Jupiter, the principle of vitality, optimism and giver of well-being.
Sagittarius plants possess toning properties for arterial circulation; with a soothing and relaxing action on the muscles, favoring the elasticity of the tissues .
Sagittarius is the third and last autumn sign , mobile (because it is born during the transition from one season to another) and masculine . If the sign of Aries is warmed by the disruptive spring fire of blossoming life, and that of Leo represents the summer heat that brings the fruits to ripeness; the Fire of Sagittarius illuminating the darkness of the long winter night (21 December), symbolizes the thirst for truth and knowledge , which pushes the natives to divulge and transmit this knowledge.
In the human evolutionary cycle it indicates the passage from the individual conscience to the spiritual plane . As a psychic process it is the ability to broaden one’s horizons , projecting energies beyond experience and personal values. Horizons not only material but also metaphysical . In fact, under the Sign of Scorpio, when the awareness of Death becomes clear, the first flashes of Transcendence appear which take complete form in Sagittarius.
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The Sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter
As we have seen, the Sagittarius season is late autumn that borders on winter. A time of recollection, of silence of nature, of calm and reassuring fire , a moment in which the flocks go to winter and the seeds look for the ideal location to be able to transform into new plants, during the long hibernation that precedes spring. With the stop of agricultural work, there is now more time to think , to meditate , to plan : man has now faced and overcome all the difficulties of the contingent, he has the provisions to surviveand the walls to protect themselves, to warm themselves from the rigors of winter; after having known its territory down to the smallest detail (this happened under the Sign of Gemini), there is the urge to explore , know , what is hidden beyond the mountains, beyond the sea.
The Sagittarian nature is ardent and enthusiastic , always striving for conquest, divided between spirit and matter , eager for constant progress. Natives are adventurous, dreamers, and quickly jump into action when it comes to commuting, traveling, exploring new environments or experiencing new dimensions.
By virtue of the planet governor, they are optimistic , outgoing , generous , courageous and greedy . On the other hand, they have an excessive self-consideration of their own worth. They are distinguished by their calm and confident approach to the outside world. Suddenly, however, everything becomes terribly serious, to be clarified, to be gutted, to be taken in the way he thinks is the most right; they raise their index if a word or an attitude does not fall within the parameters that seem right to them; but while they criticize and correct others, they are little inclined to self -criticismand they may be offended if you dare to make notes for them.
Jupiter, ruler of the sign, is the principle of power and command; of vitality and growth; of authority and wisdom. Characteristics of him are expansiveness , energy , elasticity . The natives are convinced defenders of the laws , respectful of principles and sound traditions, but often they adopt a double standard of judgment , one, inflexible, for others, the other, much more elastic, for themselves. Admitted enemies of routine, they love novelties , changes, their freedom and the pleasures of life. In the face of pressing obligations, too much planned commitments and suffocating relationships, Sagittarians paw and immediately make themselves fugitive. Their natural magnetism and cheerful ease are guarantees of success in social life. The great generosity of heart makes them appreciated by those who approach them. They know how to face the problems of professional life with great determination and lucidity.
Alongside the myths regarding Jupiter, Sagittarius recalls the legend of the centaur Chiron , a mythical creature divided halfway between human and spiritual nature, and the instinctive and violent nature of the horse. Chiron, a wise and wise centaur , educator of the children of the gods, was accidentally killed by Hercules and then transformed by Jupiter into a constellation. In fact, the graphic symbol of the Sign is, in fact, a centaur or a knight who shoots an arrow.
Plants of Sagittarius
In the astrological man, Sagittarius anatomically governs the pelvis , legs, coccyx , iliac bones , femur , sciatic nerve , saphenous vein , muscles, liver and arteries . The pathologies that natives can suffer from are strains , strains and muscle inflammation , hepatic congestion , sciatica and hip dislocations . The plants associated with the sign are all those large and edible ones that remind us of Jupiter, theplanet of expansion , according to the Theory of Signatures .
- Juniper : known since ancient times above all for its purifying and antiseptic properties , its branches were burned to disinfect ships coming from areas where epidemics had occurred ; something that is still done today in the breeding of silkworms, to purify the shelters of insects. From the distillation of its berries, a strong liqueur called “ gin ” is obtained. Juniper was and still is a plant appreciated by mountaineers for flavoring grappa and roasts. Hunters know very well that thrushes are fond of juniper galbuli and that their meat therefore takes on a particularly delicious flavor due to the presence ofessential oil . The essence is used, to prepare massage oils, as a d istensive, an excellent decontracting for the muscular and tendon system as it loosens the muscles, for this reason it is especially indicated for athletes after sports physical activity or in case of tension. muscle, joint pain and back pain and stress.
- Minor centaurea : the generic name centaurium has origins attributable to the centaur Chiron , a mythological figure closely linked to the world of medicine, medication, herbs and medicinal substances. It is said that Chiron used this plant to heal a wound on his foot inflicted, by mistake, by Hercules, who had hit him with a poisoned arrow during his fight against the centaurs. The centaurea was already known to Pliny and Dioscorides (1st century AD), the latter in fact mentions it in his work De Materia Medica . It was also much appreciated by the Gauls who used it as an antidote against all poisons. In folk medicine it is used for its febrifugal and bitter-tonic action , to reactivate both the secretion and the motility of the digestive tract, in all those conditions linked to a chronic gastrointestinal atony , which manifest themselves with digestive difficulties , inappetence , painful dyspepsia with bloating and liver failure . Contains bitter substances , flavonoids , fatty acids and phenolic acids , triterpenes , sterols , traces of pyridine and actidine alkaloids,glycosides , oleanolic acid, alpha-amirina, beta-amirina, erythrodiol, malinic acid. The plant is used as an aperitif , stomachic , stimulating the gastric mucosa , digestive remedy and is indicated in the presence of fever , anorexia, gastric atony, dyspepsia, hepatoclecitopathies
- Lemon balm : is the elective remedy for muscles, as the leaves , rich in essential oil, which gives the plant a pleasant aroma and the flavor of lemon , are an effective muscle relaxant. The plant is therefore used to counteract the states of anxiety with somatization of the abdominal muscles, meteorism, spasms, irritable colon. Due to its antispasmodic , anti- inflammatory and carminative action it is indicated in case of menstrual pain, neuralgia, digestive disorders, nausea. Galen and Paracelsusthey advised her in mania and psychic disorders. Serapio wrote that he relieves the restlessness and sadness of the brain and mainly those produced by melancholy .
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