Pizza RiMa, the diet pizza to try

Pizza RiMa, the diet pizza to try

Whenever I talk to you about dietary alternatives to traditional pizza, you eat me alive: but come on, a diet pizza is not a real pizza! Well, of course not: the diet pizza alternatives that can be made at home are often doughs that have nothing to do with real pizza, but perhaps for those who love pizza but want to keep themselves light, I have something new from propose that, if it is not the REAL pizza, it looks a lot like us, and has a third of the calories. This is the RiMa diet pizza , a pizza produced by the RiMa Benessere company , made with real flour, delicious and with only 154 calories per serving, and the same total carbohydrates as an apple .

If you want to eat it all (the base is 200 grams), you consume 300 calories, few carbohydrates (a quarter of a traditional pizza) and a lot of fiber: the dough of the RiMa diet pizza contains wheat, gluten and a mix of fibers that make it a perfect food also for those who are diabetic or for those who want to keep the glycemic index under control . Two spoonfuls of tomato sauce, light ricotta or 50 grams of light mozzarella, a teaspoon of oil and oregano are enough to have a hypersatiating pizza with 600 calories in all, about 250/300 less than the normal margherita (for the whole pizza ): 300 for half. And it cooks in 7 minutes.
Otherwise, grilled vegetables, a sprinkling of grated parmesan and a teaspoon of oil allow you to eat the whole pizza (if you are hard to feed yourself) with about 450 calories: almost half of a traditional pizza.

I tried it for you, and I must say that with half a pizza I was satisfied as with a normal margherita. 
The dough of the RiMa diet pizza is halfway between a pizza and a focaccia, so it is hypersatiating. The price for the base is almost 6 euros: I recommend that you buy it on Amazon in more quantities, in order to have some bases ready in the fridge. Considering that a base is perfect for two people, the RiMa diet pizza also becomes quite affordable.

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