Pan di cloud: Tik Tok bread recipe

Pan di cloud: Tik Tok bread recipe

It is called “pan di cloud”, from the English “fluffly cloud bread” and it is the recipe that goes crazy on social networks, especially on Tik Tok. for sweet light sandwiches that have only three ingredients, zero fat and few calories.

Ideal for a snack or a breakfast without remorse, they are very simple to make. In this article we will see how to make the bread of cloud p the bread of Tit Tok without errors. 


For two small loaves or one large loaf.

3 egg whites (separating them from the eggs, and not using the pasteurized egg whites in brik)
30 grams of powdered sugar
a pinch of cream of tartar (you can find it in all supermarkets) + a few drops of lemon juice
10 grams of starch corn (15 if you want it a little more consistent)
a pinch of vanillin powder

To make the cloud cake without making mistakes, you should absolutely use cream of tartar and three fresh eggs, from which then separate the egg whites at room temperature.

If you use the egg whites in brik they will never whip as they should!

Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks with a pinch of cream of tartar and two drops of lemon juice: essentially turning the bowl upside down they must not move.

Still with whips, gradually add the icing sugar, vanilla and finally the corn starch to the egg whites. On TikTok they use food coloring to make these cloud cakes colorful, in this case use a drop just before incorporating the starch.


Transfer the mixture onto parchment paper: the calories are 194 for the whole loaf, if you want you can divide it into two loaves. If you have a baking sheet, line it with paper and create two loaves spaced apart with the spatula.

The oven should be preheated to about 170 ° and the loaf cooks for 25 minutes. If you make two smaller ones from a dough, consider about 18 minutes. Outside it must be golden.

Let it cool completely before detaching and cutting it.

Divide it in two and spread a little citrus jam or berries or a veil of Nutella (watch out for the calories!).
Or a cocoa cream that you can make by mixing 10 grams of bitter cocoa, half a cup of water and a little stevia or tic, since the cloud cake already contains sugar.

The flavor is identical to the Angel Cake.

Cocoa version. Perhaps the best!
It is obtained by mixing the three egg whites 10 grams of corn starch and two teaspoons of bitter cocoa, 30 grams of icing sugar, the rest unchanged. Corn starch and bitter cocoa must be combined at the last.
In this case, the calories per loaf are about 235 for a single cloud pan.

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