Organic and inorganic silicon, differences
Organic silicon is not to be confused with inorganic silicon: the former is found in the human body and can be integrated, while the latter is present in nature.

We keep hearing about organic silicon and the multiple properties of this mineral in various kinds of supplements .
EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, however, did not express itself with particular enthusiasm, limiting itself to stating that “they are supplements that are not harmful but there is no evidence to assert that they have any real beneficial effect for the body”.
A much more cautious approach than that of some manufacturers has claimed particularly effective effects on cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease .
Without claiming to exhaust this topic and arrive at a single answer, here we limit ourselves to describing silicon in its organic and inorganic forms and deepening its presence in nature in some remedies that boast remineralizing properties such as horsetail.
Organic silicon
Silicon or organic silica  is a mineral necessary for the well-being of the organism: joints, bones , hair , nails , have a constant need for silicon.Â
In the human body the latter is present both in organic and inorganic form , as silicate ; organic silicon is present within connective structures, tendons, skin , arteries, bones.
The diet is often lacking in such useful nutrients and it is necessary to resort to supplements. Furthermore, the passage of time and age increases the daily requirement, even if a parameter has not yet been established on a scientific level
Specifically, the situations in which a greater intake of organic silicon is required are the following:
> In case of fractures , an integration of organic silicon helps to accelerate the re-warming times due to its remineralizing properties, collaborating to fix calcium , magnesium and phosphorus .
> Organic silicon is essential for the quality of the collagen of the connective system , therefore for the elasticity of the skin and the resistance of hair, nails and teeth .
> Finally, it helps to keep the blood vessel walls and lung tissues intact and elastic,  which is useful in preventing cardiovascular disorders.
Inorganic silicon
Organic silicon is not to be confused with inorganic silicon . The latter in nature is not found free, but in the form of oxide or silicate .
After oxygen, silicon is the most widespread element on Earth and the most important constituent of the inorganic world. Silicon dioxide or silica, in particular, has an interesting use and we find it in clay .
Silicon dioxide sol for example is used:
> in the pharmaceutical industry , to coat and encapsulate active ingredients for eudermic use;
> in the processing of musts and wines , it serves as a fining agent for white wines.
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