Nutritional values ​​of lettuce, and how to make a soup

Nutritional values ​​of lettuce, and how to make a soup

Today we are talking about a leafy vegetable that we often associate only with salads: lettuce . Rich in vitamin C, very low in carbohydrates, so as to be one of the few vegetables allowed in ketogenic diets, and high in water (96%), lettuce is a real friend of the diet.

Not only because it is low in calories, but because it does not contain fat, it is rich in mineral salts and also in vitamin A. Furthermore, it contains an ideal carotenoid for keeping blood sugar under control, Lactucaxanthina .

Looking at the nutritional values ​​of lettuce , we have in fact, for 100 grams of product weighed raw and net of waste: 15 calories, 0 grams of cholesterol, 0.2 grams of fat, high potassium content, low sodium content, only 3 grams of carbohydrates including 2 of fiber, high content of vitamins A and C, a good supply of calcium and magnesium, 1.4 grams of protein.

And thinking about the nutritional values ​​of lettuce and its draining properties, salads come to mind: they can be an excellent solution in summer, to avoid overheating, but in autumn and winter they can instead be deleterious for our digestion . because they inhibit the digestive fire.

But there is a solution to enjoy the benefits and nutritional values ​​of lettuce even when the weather becomes more rigid. Lettuce (which usually cooked sucks because it loses a lot of water) can be turned into a detox, low-calorie, draining soup with these tips. This way we can start the meal with a portion of the soup for lunch or dinner, reducing the glycemic load of the meal without starting with something cold.


for 4 servings

200 grams of fresh lettuce (avoid the one in the bag)
a head of Belgian endive
a large copper onion (about 150 grams) or a leek of the same weight
1 teaspoon of olive oil
100 ml of coconut milk for cooking such as Rapunzel or Aroy- D Coconut Milk for Cooking (not coconut drink!)
A quarter of a clove of garlic
plenty of parsley
a pinch of turmeric and one of pepper
whole salt
3 cups glutamate-free vegetable broth, like this one from Orogel
or homemade bone broth (recommended)

Sauté lettuce, endive and onion with the piece of garlic in a teaspoon of oil, two tablespoons of water and a little salt. After the vegetables have cooked, puree them in a mixer with the coconut milk, parsley and spices. Pour the cream into a saucepan and add the broth. Heat for a few minutes without bringing to a boil.
Serve hot or lukewarm.

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