Nowzaradan diet: everything you need to know

Nowzaradan diet: everything you need to know

Today I am writing this article following the success of my previous one, ” Dr. Nowzaradan’s Weight Loss Diet “, to answer the most common questions of my readers and to clarify some points about the diet.
In the article ” Dr. Nowzaradan’s slimming diet “, in fact, I “revealed” for the first time in Italian the weight loss plan of the famous doctor of the Houston clinic, protagonist of the show ” Vite al Limite “.

Here is everything you need to know about the Nowzaradan diet.


The Nowzaradan diet ranges from 800 to 1200 calories per day, and excludes most carbohydrates, apart from those derived from vegetables. However, there are exceptions: a small portion of boiled beans (50 grams) or oat bran is allowed.

  • Because of this oat bran thing many have told me that it is the same as the Dukan diet.
    The answer is no.
    However, it is true that both the Dukan and the Nowzaradan diet are two versions of Dr. Blackburn’s protocol , who first used a very low-calorie, essentially protein-based diet for overweight people.
    So neither Nowzaradan nor Dukan came up with anything, roughly speaking.
  • The difference is that Blackburn did a ketogenic diet protocol. Dukan no, because there is too much protein. Nowzaradan not really, because carbohydrates are greater than 20 grams per day, so achieving ketosis is subjective. For example, if you eat dairy products, chances are you won’t go into ketosis. Even 1200 calories a day for some is not high enough to create ketosis from fasting.
  • Instead of bran, the Nowzaradan diet allows for the sporadic use of an oat bread that is not found in Italy, and which has about 35 calories per slice. Instead of oat bran you can therefore opt for one slice of Wasa bread (blue pack) per day.
  • In the Dukan, on the other hand, the bran is designed to increase the intake of fiber, and the vegetables are not present from the beginning.
  • Also unlike the Dukan, the Nowzaradan diet limits the quantities, which are not free, because the calorie count is essential.
  • In the Dukan there is no mention of calories.

In the Nowzaradan diet, simple carbohydrates are derived from dairy products and vegetables.

In the 1200 calorie version, the diet is not very restrictive, but it should always be discussed with the attending physician.
So if you want to try it, I recommend that you print the plan in the article The weight loss diet by dr Nowzaradan and submit it to the doctor.
This is the reason why I chose to publish the 1200 calorie version and not the 800 calorie version.
The diet is not only for the very obese, but for those who are over twenty kilos overweight.
The weight loss is at least 2 kg per week.
In this phase, apart from walking and doing a few exercises, you should not do intense physical activity.
Do you gain weight after the diet?
No, if you follow the maintenance, but you need to get there gradually, I’ll explain how

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