No Diet Day: why is it celebrated?

No Diet Day: why is it celebrated?

No-diet-day-5-signs-your-diet-is-a-fadIn the last two or three years it has come up with this strange fashion of combining really important international days with other international days that no one has ever heard of in all frankness: the international day of friendship, the international day of happiness, and so on. . This International Day against diets, obsession with weight and going on a diet continuously (behavior defined as dieting and practically typical of those who are on a perennial diet) was born 23 years ago, when Mary Evans Young proclaimed this day as No -Diet Breaking with a celebration at his home. Since then, in 23 years, the anti-diet party has spread to create the International No Diet Day or No Diet Day.

In all this perhaps we miss who Mary Evans Young is: she is an English lady who years ago published this book “Diet Breaking. Having it all whitout dieting “in which he explained how to get out of the logic of diets, that diets are bad for health, forever change the way we relate to food, make us unhappy and will never make us reach and maintain forever the he craved a healthy weight nine times out of ten.

Mary Evans , a feminist and activist, had been bullied at school for years because of her size: she had therefore decided to go on a diet, only to end up being the victim of various types of eating disorders. This is how you said enough both to the logic of the perfect body and to that of the diet. In fact, what would happen if we spent less energy on diets and scales and used that time at work, with family, or simply doing something more constructive?

In fact, behind diets we waste most of our life, when it would be much easier to accept ourselves for who we are, to love our body, to stop wanting to have a physique equal to that of a thousand others and to make enormous sacrifices in order to succeed. Most of the people I know eat less than they should (could and should eat more), switch from one diet to another, and nevertheless do not achieve appreciable results, ruining their metabolism and therefore their health.
So I hope that this day is an invitation for everyone to reconsider our relationship with food and with our body in order to be happier.

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