Natural strategy against cellulite
Natural remedies to combat cellulite are part of a global strategy: without being fooled by easy-to-use advertising, the ways to go are physical activity, nutrition, hydration and localized treatments.

There are no miraculous and quick remedies for cellulite , but they do not exist, not even those that promise to act during the night and give you smooth skin without orange peel in the morning , but we like to believe it and, indeed, the belief helps, a little placebo effect.
Cellulite begins to be faced in winter but it is also true that it is never too late and if we are not ready for July and August starting now, we will still be at a good point and, with constancy, commitment , fielding many small and large precautions, we will achieve the desired results.
Cellulite, what is it?
What we normally call “cellulite” is the adipose panniculus and represents a reserve of energy strictly connected to the metabolism and defined caloric balance .
What are the two plates of the scales or of the calorie balance ?
They are lipolysis and liposynthesis : when we introduce a lower portion of calories with food and increase physical movement we decrease the calorie balance, on the contrary when we increase the intake of calories and reduce motor activity we increase it.
But it does not end here, otherwise it would be all in all simple to combat cellulite. Our organism is a complex mechanism and even tissues such as adipose are structured in reticles, collagen, triglyceride cells and their vascularization allows exchanges, transformations, accumulations.
Hormonal imbalances , water retention, tissue intoxication due to liver failure, stress, intestinal irregularities, incorrect nutrition are sufficient to affect the microcirculation of the adipose tissue.
Fat cells break down releasing triglycerides which occupy the intracellular space and slow down the microcirculation.
If you do not intervene in time to correct the imbalances and revitalize the tissues, the condition can worsen with an increase in the volume and consistency of the adipose tissue and a total compression of the vessels with a further slowdown of the microcirculation .
This very briefly is the perverse mechanism that we must counteract and it is evident that the application of a cream is not enough , but much more is needed!
Read also Specific massages against cellulite >>
Anti-cellulite physical movement
We have to start somewhere and then why not start with physical activity, the simplest there is: intense walking. The benefits of walking are truly infinite for our body and its functions.
First of all , our feet stimulate the booster pump for venous return and doing exercises even in the place where we go up from the heel to the forefoot stimulates the venous circulation and also the lymphatic circulation for the benefit of our legs.
Walking re-oxygenates our tissues, improves the cardiovascular system without stress, burns calories, does not trigger the production of lactic acid which would generate inflammation . The commitment to walk is essential, at least 3 times a week, but no one forbids turning it into a daily practice.
Water to counteract cellulite
We have to drink ! This regardless, but for those suffering from water retention, lymphatic stagnation must become a daily commitment in crescendo.
Water is used to hydrate the tissues, to extinguish inflammation, and above all to convey catabolites, toxins and eliminate them with a well-rhythmic diuresis.
A liter and a half of water a day , low in sodium, is the most suitable indication for those who have to fight fatty tissue in a natural way.
Nutrition to combat cellulite
There are no specific anti-cellulite foods , but some general indications can also be provided here.
We avoid the abuse of salt which promotes water retention and the abuse of sugars which increases glycemic demand and triggers a vicious circle. So no to carbonated drinks, fried and fatty foods.
We give space to fibers , fresh seasonal fruit, raw vegetables seasoned with a little oil and apple cider vinegar, not wine.
We pay attention to the wrong food associations that cause acidosis and fermentation : we avoid carbohydrates and proteins together, proteins and fruit, animal proteins and dairy products, acidifying vegetables and cheeses.
In short, ham and melon or caprese, despite being typical dishes of our tables, are not the most suitable in this formulation if we want to combat cellulite and improve microcirculation.
A nutritionist will be able to best advise and provide a list of foods capable of promoting a good osmotic exchange to our tissues also according to the subjective state of health.
Anti-cellulite massages
The panniculus adipose after all these tools put in place must also be addressed mechanically .
Lymphatic drainage and connective tissue massages are extremely useful for combating cellulite in the early stages and preventing its exacerbation.
It is important that they are carried out by a professional , because the movement of stagnation and the breakdown of adipose accumulations must be conveyed correctly by a hand that knows the lymphatic system and its doors.
Lately, the ” vacuum technique ” has taken hold , the vacuum with ampoules or cupping that “suck” the tissues, causing them to detach and a consequent spraying of oxygen even in the less superficial layers.
Tools such as rollers are applied to this principle which “squeeze the adipose tissues” to dissolve accumulations and promote microcirculation.
For fibrous or soft sclerotic cellulite, simple massages may no longer be enough , also because they might be painful.
There is a tool that I feel I can define as “natural” for the action it induces and that I insert in this paragraph even though it is not a massage and it is Tecar therapy , which exploits the endogenous stimulation of the ions inside the tissues.
The heat and the vasodilation it induces increases circulation and stimulates lipolysis not only of the superficial tissues but also of the deeper ones, perhaps in a sclerotic condition that the massage could not reach.
Blood and lymphatic circulation are thus stimulated and released to convey the toxins towards the elimination channels. The tissues are elasticised by a correct vascularization, the edemas are drained, the cellular metabolism revitalized.
Natural anti-cellulite draining agents
To what has been indicated so far, we can associate natural draining agents that help us to favor tissue detoxification, drainage of liquids and diuresis. In herbal medicine we can find phytocomplexes to add to our daily water quota to enhance its effects.
Pineapple stem, Centella and Birch leaves are draining phytocomplexes, which combined with grape seeds and black currant leaves, stimulators of the microcirculation, help to improve lymphatic stagnation and edematous accumulations.
Anti-cellulite phytocosmetics
The market offers us creams, creams, ointments, salts of all kinds to combat cellulite, promising us amazing results in a short time.
As already mentioned, they cannot solve the problem by themselves , but they can be an additional help to be used for the home treatment that each of us can constantly activate morning and evening.
We prefer those creams based on natural remedies that have a thermogenic, circulatory and draining action .
Important: phytocomplexes based on Coleus, Ash, Horse chestnut, caffeine from Green Coffee and Centella asiatica are indicated to move excess adipose, promote microcirculation and drain tissues without affecting the hormonal system , as could be the preparations based on algae if not well managed.
For these remedies to work they must be applied regularly every day morning and evening, it is not enough to buy the product, use it a few times and let it age in the bathroom cabinet!
It is trivial but many of us are not assiduous in undergoing these self -treatments and then in the end they brand them as ineffective without having committed themselves.
Summarizing all these are the steps to be able to combat cellulite in a natural way, we cannot ignore any of these steps if we want to achieve the much desired result, so the first step to be faced is the conviction and determination to commit to putting into practice all these synergistic tools.
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